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词汇 ordered
例句 The troops were ordered back to base.部队受命返回基地。Some members of the Convention ordered the arrest of Robespierre.国民公会的一些委员下令拘捕罗伯斯庇尔。The captain ordered all passengers and crew into lifeboats.船长命令所有乘客和船员上救生艇。The sailors were ordered to man their battle stations.水手们受命守卫各自岗位。The court ordered a fresh inquest into the tragedy.法庭下令对那起惨案重新进行死因调查。He ordered the combined fleet to convoy troops to Naples.他下令要联合舰队将军队护送至那不勒斯。He doesn't like being ordered about by anyone.他不喜欢受任何人的差遣。The government has ordered a public enquiry into the affair.政府已下令对这起事件进行公开调查。I ordered the grilled breast of chicken.我点了烤鸡胸肉。Williams ordered him to leave.威廉斯命令他离开。The cops had ordered the bars and liquor stores closed.警察命令关闭酒吧和酒店。 If your only option is currently a personal pension, a stakeholder pension could be just what the doctor ordered.如果你现在只能选择一份个人养老金,那么合伙年金方案正是你需要的。She ordered the full monty: sausages, eggs, chips, and beans.她点了所有能点的食品:香肠、蛋、炸薯片,还有豆子。The authorities ordered it otherwise.当局对此作出不同的决定。She ordered a quadruple espresso.她点了一杯四倍量的浓咖啡。The dress I ordered was too small so I sent it back.我订购的那件连衣裙太小了,所以我把它退掉了。He ordered disclosure of a medical report to the Metropolitan Police in pursuance of an investigation of murder.为配合调查一宗谋杀案,他下令向伦敦警察厅披露一份医疗报告。The committee has ordered an in-depth study of juvenile crime.委员会已经下令对青少年犯罪作深入的调查。He ordered his troops to stand and fight.他命令部队停下来准备战斗。The government ordered members of the banned political party to appear for questioning.政府命令被取缔的政党成员来接受盘问。A police officer appeared as if from nowhere and ordered us to halt.一个警察不知从哪儿冒了出来,命令我们停下。I would be exceeding my powers if I ordered the march to be halted.如果我命令停止游行,我就越权了。I ordered fish and a double portion of chips.我要了鱼和双份的炸薯条。He was hungry and ordered two portions of roast duck.他很饿,因而叫了两份烤鸭。It was a time for celebration, and Ralph ordered drinks all round.这是欢庆的时刻,拉尔夫给每个人都点了饮料。They have ordered a bit of greenery to brighten up the new wing at Guy's Hospital.他们订购了一些绿植来装点盖伊医院的新侧楼。We ordered him a beer.我们给他叫了一瓶啤酒。The doctor ordered bed rest and plenty of fluids.医生嘱咐要卧床休息,多喝水。I ordered the hikers to clear off my land at once.我命令那些徒步旅行者马上离开我的领地。The president ordered a review of U.S. economic aid to Jordan.总统下令重新核查美国对约旦的经济援助。Pilate ordered Jesus to be brought forth.彼拉多命人将耶稣带来。General Hoge ordered his men to take the bridge.霍奇将军命令部下攻占那座桥。Everyone on the ship was ordered to put on their life jackets.船上所有的人都被命令穿上救生衣。He ordered whiskey with a beer chaser.他点了威士忌,接着要了一杯啤酒作淡酒。He ordered his troops to close in on us.他命令他的军队包围我们。The court ordered the owner of the rottweilers to have the dogs destroyed.法庭命令这几头罗威纳犬的主人把它们人道毁灭。The soldiers were ordered to begin their march.士兵们接到命令开始行军。;In his wrath the king ordered the rebels executed.国王一怒之下下令将叛乱分子处死。Magistrates ordered his dog Samson to be put down immediately.治安官们勒令立即将他的狗萨姆森杀掉。He was ordered to appear the following day, but absconded.他被传唤于第二天出庭,可是他逃跑了。




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