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词汇 order
例句 It's easier if you count things up in order, so that you don't get confused.依次点数容易些,这样就不会搞混。You should check to make sure your equipment is in good order.你应该检查一下,确保你的设备工作正常。The Tories have lost the plot on law and order.保守党人在治安问题上不知所措。Has the waitress brought your order?那位女服务员已给你上菜了吗? The corporal shouted an order at the men.下士向士兵们发出号令。She claimed that the government had only changed the law in order to appease their critics.她称政府修改法律仅仅是为了安抚那些批评政府的人。They gave money in order to aid the cause.他们为这项事业提供资助。Harmony, balance and order are cardinal virtues to the French.和谐、平衡、秩序是法国人最看重的三项基本美德。The kidney consumes oxygen at a high rate in order to produce energy.肾脏不停地消耗氧以产生能量。We pretended to like his artwork in order to spare his feelings. 为了照顾他的情绪,我们装作喜欢他的艺术作品。In order to be successful as a dancer, you need flair and stamina.成为一名成功的舞蹈演员需要天赋和毅力。The council has said that jobs will have to be cut in order to balance the budget.委员会称必须削减职位以平衡预算。List three choices in order of preference.按照喜欢的程度顺序列出三个选择。I'll see to your order at once.我马上处理你的单子。He disobeyed an order to fire on civilians.他拒不服从向平民开火的命令。Plants need sun in order to grow.植物生长需要阳光。The order was given to evacuate.下达了撤离的命令。You should read the book in order to understand more about the subject.你应该读读那本书,好对这门学科有更多了解。Keep your front and rear lights in good working order.保持前后灯的状态正常。Where can I get this postal order cashed?这张邮政汇款单我可以在哪里取款?Sunlight is needed in order for the process of photosynthesis to take place in plants.植物需要阳光来进行光合作用。Troops began pulling out of the region as soon as the order was given.军队一接到命令就开始从该地区撤军。On a superficial level everything appears to be in order, but at a deeper level you can see that there's a lot wrong.从表面上看一切正常,但进入内里就会发现许多错误。I think I'll stay home tonight, order in a pizza, and watch my new box set.我想今晚我要呆在家里,叫比萨饼外卖,看新买的电视剧合集。She had stinted herself in order to feed me.她自己省吃俭用来养活我。Some think Stempel's departure will help the company get its financial house in order.有些人认为斯坦普尔的离职将有助于公司解决自身的财务问题。I'm very sorry, but we seem to have lost your order.非常抱歉,我们好像遗失了你的订单。The companies clubbed their resources in order to provide a new service.为提供一项新服务,这些公司集中了它们的资源。Militarism petrified the social order.军国主义使社会秩序僵化了。In order to catch up with its competitors in the industry, the company will need to start using more advanced technologies.为了赶上行业竞争者,公司需要开始采用更加先进的技术。In order to gain access to the network, you first have to key in your name and password.要登录网络,首先要键入用户名和密码。The organization is turning to political agitation in order to achieve its aims.这个组织正通过政治抗议活动来达到其目的。Troops are patrolling around the clock to maintain order in the capital.部队在首都全天巡逻,维持秩序。Sometimes it is necessary to trim those very policies in order to stay in office.有时为了继续掌权需要对同样的政策进行修改。Our order books are full at the moment.现在我们的订货记录簿已经满了。The next hearings will be structured differently in order to minimize the inquisitorial atmosphere.下次听证会将以不同的方式进行,以尽可能淡化审判似的气氛。In order to be saved one must truly repent.必须真诚地忏悔才能得到救赎。Midge clapped her hands, calling them back to order.米奇拍手示意他们安静下来。After two days of intermittent fighting, order was finally restored.经过两天断断续续的战斗后终于恢复了秩序。In order for the team to win, everyone has to contribute.为了让团队获胜,人人都要做出贡献。




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