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词汇 opinions
例句 I do have opinions, but I'm not hidebound in those opinions.我确有我的看法,但我并不固执己见。He just parroted his father's opinions.他只是机械地重复父亲的观点。His own response to it seemed to be out of keeping with his earlier expressed opinions.他自己对此的反应与其早前表达的看法并不一致。She had never been one to kowtow and repress her own opinions.她从来就不是那种卑躬屈膝、压抑自己想法的人。The needs and opinions of ordinary working people were ignored.普通劳动者的需求和意见遭到忽视。The meeting will give residents a chance to listen to some expert opinions. 这次会议将为居民们提供一个听取专家意见的机会。She is a woman of strong and independent opinions.她是个有鲜明独立见解的女人。An exchange of opinions is helpful.相互交换意见是有益的。Is there any coincidence between his opinions and your own?他的意见与你自己的意见有没有一致之处? Teachers tend to have stereotyped opinions about naughty pupils.教师往往对调皮学生抱有成见。He decided he wasn't going to bother himself about the opinions of others.他决定不再为别人的看法而自寻烦恼。Don't allow your friends' opinions to colour your judgement.不要让你朋友的意见影响你的判断。My opinions are the direct opposite of his.我的意见与他的截然相反。We asked for their opinions about/on the new stadium.我们就新体育场之事征询了他们的意见。He and his wife have opposing opinions on the issue.他和妻子在这个问题上意见相左。I have no/little regard for his opinions.我不看重他的意见。If you want people to listen to your opinions, you'll need to learn to be more assertive.如果想要别人听你的,你需要学会更加自信。He is wedded to his own opinions and nothing can change him.他固执己见,什么也不能使他改变。He has extreme opinions when it comes to politics.他的政治观点偏激。The group acknowledged that the parting of the ways was a result of differing opinions concerning the strategic focus of their business.该团体承认分道扬镳是他们对生意上战略重点的不同意见造成的。He held firm opinions which usually conflicted with my own.他固执己见,常常与我意见相左。The political opinions of spouses correlate more closely than their heights.配偶之间政治观点上的相似度要大于他们身高的相似程度。I would take issue with his opinions.我想对他的看法提出异议。 His opinions are entirely beyond the pale.他的观点让人忍无可忍。Try not to link your sense of self-worth to the opinions of others.尽量不要把你的自我价值感和别人的意见联系起来。Much of the impetus for change came from customers' opinions.变革的主要动力来自顾客的意见。Their opinions on art are for the birds.他们关于艺术的见解荒唐可笑。Your reporter has completely misrepresented my opinions about immigration.你们的记者完全歪曲了我对移民的看法。I'm not interested in your opinions - I just want to know the facts.我对你的观点没有兴趣,我只想了解事实真相。You will have ample opportunity to express your opinions during the debate.在辩论中,你有充分的机会表达自己的看法。Father was immovable in his opinions.父亲的意见坚定不移。As journalists, we have to differentiate between facts and opinions.作为记者,我们必须区分事实和观点之间的不同。Rosy had a warm easy-going personality, so she was good at tolerating other people's ways and opinions.罗茜性格温柔可亲,所以她很会容忍别人的行为和想法。He felt that his opinions were of no account to the others. 他觉得其他人并不在乎他的意见。We want to hear the opinions of a variety of people.我们想听听各种人的看法。A few science boffins were asked for their opinions, but otherwise the article gave very little information.文中征询了一些科学家的意见,但除此以外这篇文章提供的信息非常少。It's not a scientific way to test their opinions.用这个方法来测试他们的意见不科学。Bill's not afraid to express his opinions.比尔从来不怕表达自己的观点。She is only an echo of her husband's opinions, and has no ideas of her own.她只是丈夫意见的附和者,自己从没有主张。His opinions have always been distinctly heterodox.他的观点总是带有明显的异端色彩。




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