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词汇 opening night
例句 There was a furious rush to have everything ready for the opening night.大家紧张地忙乱着为首演之夜做好一切准备工作。不必匆忙Tonight is the opening night of the opera.今晚是这出歌剧的首演夜。The audience on the opening night of the play reached to ten thousand.那出戏首次公演之夜观众达万人之多。There was a full house at the opening night of the play.该剧首次上演的那个晚上,剧场客满。The cast was hopped-up on opening night.全体演员在首演之夜都非常兴奋。The ballet's opening night was a huge success.这场芭蕾舞的首演之夜获得了巨大的成功。The conductor rehearsed the musicians before opening night.乐队指挥在首演夜之前领着全队乐师排练。The tour has been timed to allow visitors to attend the opening night of the Verona opera season.这次游览的时间安排,可以让游客参加维罗纳歌剧节的开幕之夜。The theatre was packed for the opening night.演出首夜剧院里座无虚席。The restaurant made a flying start by filling up on opening night.餐馆开张大吉,开业当晚就客满。We saw 'Riverdance' on its opening night.我们看了《大河之舞》的首场演出。My family and friends came to the opening night of my play.我的家人和朋友出席了那晚我的话剧的首场演出。Tomorrow is the play's opening night. 明晚是这出戏剧的首演之夜。Inviting a soap star or two to your opening night is always a good way of getting bums on seats.请一两个肥皂剧明星来出席首映之夜一向是招徕观众的妙方。She went up on her lines out of fear on opening night.上演首晚她因怯场忘记了台词。They had a full/packed house on opening night.他们的首演之夜,观众爆满,座无虚席。Tomorrow is the opening night of her show in Cork Street, London.明天晚上她在伦敦科克街举行的个人展品正式开幕。




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