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词汇 on the couch
例句 There's no room on the couch to spread yourself out.那张沙发躺不下你。The doctor told her to lie back on the couch. 医生让她躺在长沙发上。He lay supine on the couch.他仰面躺在沙发上。Libby switched off the light and lay on the couch, staring into the darkness.莉比关了灯,躺在沙发上,凝视着一片黑暗。She sat on the couch all day watching television and feeling blah.她坐在沙发上,无精打采地看了一整天电视。The children have jumped on the couch so much that they've ruined the springs.孩子们老是在沙发上跳来跳去的,把弹簧都弄坏了。She stretched out on the couch.她手脚伸展着躺在沙发上。He slept on the couch.他在长沙发上睡觉。Segal sprawled on the couch.希格尔伸开四肢在沙发上懒散地躺着。He was relaxing on the couch with a book.他拿着一本书在沙发上放松一下。He was lying supine on the couch.他仰面躺在长椅上。Her son was splayed out on the couch watching TV.她儿子四肢摊开靠在沙发上看电视。He entered the room, reposed on the couch and put his head into Veronica's lap.他进了屋,在沙发上躺下,头枕着维罗妮卡的腿。Rachel lies down on the couch and wills herself into a drowse that is something like sleep.蕾切尔躺在沙发上,想让自己打个盹,睡一觉。He stretched out on the couch and watched TV.他四肢伸开躺在沙发上看电视。I was lying on the couch at the time, pretending to be ill and skiving school.我当时正躺在沙发上,装病不去上学。If you don't stop jumping on the couch, you're going to get a spanking. 如果你还在沙发上跳,就会被打屁股。The sick child was lying on the couch in the living room.病孩躺在起居室的长椅上。She slipped out of the jacket and tossed it on the couch.她麻利地脱下夹克,扔在了沙发上。The tired girl reclined on the couch.疲惫的姑娘躺在躺椅上。I flopped down on the couch.我噗地倒在长沙发椅上。Sam was sitting on the couch with his arm around Mandy's waist.萨姆坐在长沙发上,手臂搂着曼迪的腰。There's no room on the couch to spread out. 那张沙发躺不下。They were snogging each other on the couch.他们在沙发上长时间亲吻。The recliner on the couch was asleep.沙发上躺著的人睡著了。The pillows on the couch all match.长沙发上的靠枕全都色调相似。Mel sat back on the couch and admired the view of the city.梅尔靠坐在沙发上,欣赏这城市的风景。Ali was stretched out full-length on the couch.阿里伸展手脚平躺在长沙发上。He's napping on the couch.他正在沙发上打盹。He's vegging out on the couch.他坐在沙发上打发时光。She sat herself down on the couch.她坐到了沙发上。When I came home,all I wanted to do was to crash and burn on the couch.当我回家时,我想做的就是一头栽进沙发睡一大觉。After lunch he reposed on the couch.午饭后他躺在长沙发上休息。My parents were nestled together on the couch.我父母舒适地并排坐在沙发上。She curled up on the couch for a nap.她蜷缩在沙发上打盹儿。He sat down heavily on the couch.他重重地坐在沙发上。She likes to sit on the couch eating bonbons.她喜欢坐在沙发上吃夹心软糖。He stretched himself out on the couch.他伸展四肢躺在长沙发上。Tom offered to sleep on the couch.汤姆说他来睡沙发。We snuggled up together on the couch.我们在沙发上相互依偎着。




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