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词汇 on the beach
例句 We all had a good time on the beach.我们在海滩上玩得很开心。Ah, this is the life! Lying on the beach, sipping cool drinks.啊,这样才是生活!在沙滩上躺躺,喝着清凉的饮料。The children were collecting shells on the beach.孩子们在海滩上捡贝壳。I just want to lie on the beach in the sun.我只想躺在海滩上晒太阳。They lay on the beach and were saturated with sunshine.他们躺在沙滩上,尽情享受着阳光。The horse clip-clopped along on the beach.那匹马得得地在海滩上奔跑How strange that something so simple as a walk on the beach could suddenly mean so much.诸如在沙滩散步这样的小事会突然变得如此重要,真是令人感到不可思议。I felt awkward among the lithe young sun-tanned girls on the beach.海滩上,周围都是一些体态轻盈、晒成古铜色皮肤的年轻女孩,我觉得很不自在。The kids were collecting shells on the beach.孩子们在海滩上拾贝壳。Relaxing on the beach and watching the sunset is one of life's simple pleasures.在沙滩上放松身心,看看日落,这就是人生平凡的快乐之一。We didn't see anyone all day, apart from a couple of kids on the beach.除了海滩上的几个小孩,我们都没见到什么人。He'd marked out a volleyball court on the beach with a stick.他用棍子在沙滩上画出了一个排球场。We lazed around on the beach most of the day.这天我们大部分时间就懒洋洋地在沙滩上度过。Your idea of a day on the beach sounds lovely.你说去海滩玩一天,这主意听起来很不错。Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer sightseeing.有些人喜欢躺在海滩上,而我则宁愿去游览观光。We watched the children playing on the beach.我们看着小孩子在沙滩上玩耍。When I'm on holiday I lie on the beach all day.我休假时会整日躺在沙滩上。She likes to go topless on the beach.在海滩上她喜欢赤裸着上身。They love to lie on the beach enjoying the sunshine.他们喜欢躺在海滩上晒太阳。You will stay in a contemporary boutique hotel on the beach in South Sands bay.你在南沙湾会入住一家海滨精品酒店。The wind rolled the waves high on the beach.风刮得浪涛高高翻滚着涌上海滩。We spent our vacation just lounging around on the beach.我们在海滩休闲度假。The boys were throwing and catching a frisbee on the beach.男孩子们在海滩上玩掷接飞盘。Brody had posted two officers on the beach.布罗迪已在海滩安排了两名军官。Julia soon got bored with lying on the beach.朱利娅躺在沙滩上不一会就觉得无聊了。We were all sunburned from a day on the beach.我们在海滩上过了一天,皮肤都晒黑了。She paraded around on the beach in her bikini.她穿着比基尼在海滩上招摇地四处走动。The children played on the beach with their shovels and pails.孩子们拿着铲子和小桶在海滩上玩。He was lying on the beach with arms outspread.他两臂摊开躺在沙滩上。You can play anywhere on the beach as long as you stay within earshot.你可以在海滩上任何地方玩,只要在听得到我们的范围内就可以了。We spent a lot of time just lying on the beach.我们很多时候都只是躺在沙滩上。We would have a lazy lunch and then lie on the beach.我们会不慌不忙地吃顿午饭,然后躺在沙滩上晒太阳。Even on a quiet weekend there are plenty of people on the beach.即使是在清静的周末,海滩上也有许多人。I am shy about baring my breasts in public on the beach.我不好意思在海滩上当众裸露胸部。The smell of the sea brought back childhood memories of long summer holidays spent on the beach.大海的气息勾起了童年的回忆,让人记起了在沙滩上度过的悠长暑假。After sunset there were a few lingerers on the beach.日落后,海滩上仍有几个流连忘返的人。The children play on the beach during the summer.夏天孩子们在海滩上玩耍。They went on a picnic on the beach.他们到海滩野餐。Sands heaped everywhere on the beach.海滩上到处是沙堆。They are sunning themselves on the beach.他们在海滩上晒太阳。




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