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词汇 on schedule
例句 So far, everything is on schedule. 到目前为止,一切都按计划进行。I am also aware of the importance of completing this job on schedule.我也意识到及时完成这项工作的重要性。The project got off to a bumpy start, but it's back on schedule now.项目开始的时候困难重重,但是现在走上了正轨。We've been having a hell of a time trying to finish on schedule.为了赶工,我们吃尽了苦头。They got the new film in the can on schedule.他们如期完成了这部新影片的摄制。We've been working as hard as hell to finish on schedule.为了按期完工,我们拼命干活。Summer rains came almost on schedule as the crops needed them.夏天的雨总是在庄稼干渴时准时而来。The project is right on schedule.项目刚好按计划进行。He vowed that he would move heaven and earth to finish the project on schedule.他发誓要竭尽全力按时完工。The bus arrived on schedule. 公共汽车准点到达。The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule.起草委员会为按计划完成草案已通宵加班,但结果仍是徒劳。Getting the project done on schedule is going to be a tall order.要按时完成这个项目很难。Staff members were given a bonus for finishing the project on schedule.因为项目如期完成,员工们都拿到了奖金。This delay has killed our chances of finishing the project on schedule.这次延误使我们失去了按期完成工程的机会。We wrapped on schedule.我们按预定时间完成了拍摄。It remains a question whether the next round of six-party talks will be held on schedule.下一轮六方会谈能否按期举行仍然是个问题。The project was completed on schedule and under budget. 这个项目在预算之内按时完成了。Employees were offered a bonus as an inducement to finish the project on schedule.已向员工承诺一份奖金,以激励他们按期完成该项目。The majority of holiday flights depart and arrive on schedule.大部分假日航班都能按时起降。John was doing a marvellous job in keeping the project on schedule.约翰工作非常出色,保证了项目的如期进行。The builders were lazy and failed to finish the boat on schedule.造船工人很懒,未能按期把船造好。Our aircraft arrived on schedule.我们搭乘的航班准点到达。The building should be completed on schedule.这幢建筑应该能按时建成。Sick your brother on some of the work so that it can be finished on schedule.这工作叫你兄弟也做一点,这样就可按时完成了。The alarm woke him on schedule.闹钟准时把他闹醒。




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