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词汇 on ice
例句 We wanted the Government to put the Act on ice.我们希望政府把该法案搁置起来。Some football teams keep their best players on ice ready for the more important games.有些足球队会保留优秀队员,留待有更重要的比赛时再派上场。It's hard enough just keeping my balance on ice, let alone actually skating on it.要我在冰上站稳就已经够费力的了,更别说在上面溜冰了。I'm putting my plans for a new car on ice until I finish college.大学毕业前,我把买车计划暂时搁置。With that last goal they put the game on ice. 凭借最后那一例进球,他们已经胜券在握了。The man yelled a warning to the boys on ice.那个人大声向冰上的男孩们警告。I'll put the champagne on ice.我会把香槟酒冰镇起来。Caviar and oysters on ice are generally considered the ultimate luxury foods.一般认为,鱼子酱和冰镇牡蛎是顶级美味。After pigging herself on ice cream she went upstairs.大吃特吃了一通冰激凌之后她上了楼。The boys were regaling on ice cream cones.男孩们在美滋滋地大吃冰淇淋。They pigged themselves on ice cream.他们狼吞虎咽地吃着冰淇淋。The whole deal was put on ice when the stock market fell sharply.股市急剧下跌时,整个交易都被暂时搁置。When he's depressed he always pigs out on ice cream.他情绪低落的时候总是拼命吃冰淇淋。Both projects are on ice until the question of funding is resolved.在资金问题解决以前,两个项目都搁置了。I'm not surprised he's feeling ill - he was eating one ice cream after another!他生病我不觉得奇怪——他不停嘴地吃冰激凌!The wheels were spinning on ice.车轮在冰上空转。They spent all their pocket money on ice creams.他们把零花钱全用来买了冰激凌。We're going to have to put our plans on ice until we can raise some more money.我们只好推迟我们的计划,等到多筹些钱再说。We'll have to put/keep the project on ice until more funds become available. 在筹集到更多资金之前,我们得暂时搁置这个项目。With their lead they had the game on ice.有了领先的优势,他们肯定会取得比赛的胜利。




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