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词汇 one week
例句 The instructor crammed a lot of information into one week.老师把大量教学内容赶在一周之内全讲完了。The instructor squeezed a lot of information into one week.这位讲师把很多信息都集中在一个星期里讲完。The coach is sick and won't be on deck for practice for at least one week.教练病了,至少有一周无法到场指导训练。She was unlucky enough to draw kitchen cleanup twice in one week.她够倒霉的,在一周内两次抽签得下厨打扫。Each year, the city plays host to the film festival for one week.每年这座城市都会主办为期一周的电影节。We did New York in one week.我们花一周时间游遍了纽约。He could make one shirt do for one week.一件衬衫他能凑合着穿上一星期。In developed countries, cot death is the main cause of death between the ages of one week and one year.在发达国家,婴儿猝死是一周到一岁的婴儿死亡的主要原因。The menu was unvaried from one week to the next.每周的菜谱都千篇一律。I work afternoons one week and mornings the next.我一个星期下午工作,再一个星期上午工作。We've held the job open for him for one week now.这个工作我们已为他保留一个星期了。He became a great utility player for the Palace, playing as a full-back one week or as a winger or centre half the next.他成了水晶宫队优秀的多用途球员,这个星期踢后卫,下个星期当边锋或中卫。You can never be sure what will happen from one week to the next.你永远无法确定下周会发生什么事。Her baby is overdue by one week. 预产期已经过了一个星期,她的宝宝还没出生。They held the same bank up twice in one week.他们一周之内两次抢劫同一家银行。The course commences with a one week introduction to Art Theory.这门课程开始先是一周的艺术理论导论。To ensure a smooth change-over, we'd like you to start work one week before your predecessor leaves.为保证顺利交接,我们希望你在前任离任前一周来上班。We had only one week to pack and move out of our apartment.我们只有一个星期的时间收拾东西搬出公寓。The judge suspended the hearing for one week.法官将听证会推迟了一周。We've only got one week left to knock the play into shape.我们只剩一周时间把该剧完善好。Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week.把你一星期的卡路里摄入量记录下来。He spent one week jetting around the country.他花了一周时间乘喷气飞机在全国旅行。Two snowstorms hit the area in a period of one week.一周以来这一地区两次遭受到暴风雪袭击。If you are out sick for more than one week, you will need a note from your doctor.如果你因病缺勤超过一周,你得有医生开具的病假证明。Each student is expected to wait at table for one week each semester.每学期每个学生都要在餐厅服务一周。He spent one week in detox.他花了一个星期戒酒。The police cracked the case in one week.该案警察在一周内就侦破了。The students tour a play for one week each spring.学生每年春季带一出戏巡回演出一周。Jessica died Monday. She was one week shy of her 13th birthday.杰茜卡是星期一死的,还有一个星期就是她的十三岁生日了。




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