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词汇 one time
例句 The park had never had so many visitors at one time. It was total/complete bedlam.这个公园从来没有同时接待过如此多的游客,园内真是一片混乱。Messaging allows real-time communication by keyboard with up to five people at any one time.短信收发让人通过键盘同时与多达五人实时通信。Martin had been at one time a student at Leiden University in the Netherlands.马丁曾经是荷兰莱顿大学的学生。At one time they met frequently.一度他们经常见面。See, I can lock the doors all at one time.瞧,我可以同时把所有的门都锁上。You can only get five books out of the library at any one time.你一次只能从图书馆借五本书。He beat up on my brother's kid one time.他有一次揍了我兄弟的孩子。It was a sleepy provincial hotel, not used to having more than two people staying there at any one time.那是在都城以外的一家很冷清的小旅舍,一般同时接待不超过两个客人。There's only so much that anybody's brain can handle at any one time.人脑一次也就只能应付这么多。At one time she wanted to be a nurse, but the thought of working at night put her off.她曾经想当一名护士,但想到上夜班她就退却了。They had based on Greenland at one time.他们一度曾在格林兰岛上建立基地。At one time paper mills were the industrial base for the region.造纸厂曾一度是这个地区的工业支柱。At one time doctors recommended red meat as part of a healthy diet but not any more.医生曾一度建议吃红肉,认为这是健康饮食的一部分,但是现在他们不这么认为了。That the world is flat was at one time a popular fallacy.地球扁平说法曾是一度流行的谬论。At one time, I was very religious and a regular church-goer.我曾经是个笃信宗教、定期上教堂的人。No more than five people should ride in the car at any one time.任何时候,车里载人都不能超过五个。George Ward started smoking at the age of nine, and at one time he was getting through 80 a day.乔治·沃德九岁就开始吸烟,一度每天要抽掉八十支烟。This computer wasn't set up to run so many programs at one time.这台计算机的配置不支持一次运行这么多程序。I sold my record collection when I was skint one time.有一次我没钱时把收集的唱片都卖了。I remember coming home from school one time and finding we'd been burgled.我记得有一次放学回家发现家里被盗了。Aileen came round to tea one time, and we did our homework together.艾琳有次来喝茶,我们便一起做家庭作业。It would have been better to have thinned the trees over several winters rather than all at one time.当初要是分几个冬天疏剪树木,会比一下子疏剪完效果好。At one time, George Eliot lived here.乔治‧艾略特曾一度住在这里。A person can only be in one place at one time.一个人同一时间只能在一个地方。At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church.这些学校一度归教会主管。The one time I forgot my umbrella was the day it rained.我只有一次忘了带伞,那天偏巧下雨了。All of them were French possessions at one time or another.它们曾经全都是法国属地。The song had a great vogue at one time.这首歌一度曾广为流行。All of these industries have at one time or another been linked to cancer.所有这些产业都曾在不同时期与癌症有过联系。Britain was the world's greatest sea power at one time.英国曾是世界头号海军强国。The research suggests we only use a small portion of our brains at any one time.该项研究显示,任何时候我们都只使用了脑子的一小部分。Everyone has experienced this feeling at one time or another.每个人都曾体验过这种感受。At one time Mary was my best friend.玛丽一度是我最好的朋友。They all tried to talk at one time.他们同时抢着讲话。 He had been involved in some questionable business activities at one time.他曾经涉入一些可疑的商业活动之中。He had at one time lived in the States.他有一段时间曾住在美国。Only one-half of the attendees could fit into the large hall at any one time.这个大厅一次只能容下一半的出席者。The curtains that were at one time bright and cheerful were now faded and torn.一度鲜艳夺目的窗帘现已破旧褪色了。A turtle lays many eggs at one time.乌龟一次产许多卵。This word processor allows you to work with two documents at one time.这部文字处理器让你可以同时处理两份文件。




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