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词汇 awful
例句 It must have taken an awful lot of courage.这必定需要很大的勇气。What an awful thing to say!说这种话,太不像话了!He had an awful ache in the belly.他胃部痛得厉害。Rotherham is an awful place.罗瑟勒姆是个可怕的地方。She's the most awful snob.她是那种最可怕的势利小人。Her father had an awful temper and she was always frightened of him.她爸爸脾气坏,她一直怕他。She's an awful nag.她唠叨起来让人受不了。I feel awful about not inviting her.我对没有邀请她感到内疚。An awful thought has just struck me.一个可怕的念头刚刚在我脑海中闪过。I looked awful and felt quite shaky.我脸色很差,觉得快要倒下了。There's an awful draught blowing in through this window.一阵可怕的风从这扇窗户吹进来。The fish tasted awful.这鱼难吃。I remember having some pretty awful teachers when I was at school.我记得上学时有几个教师很蹩脚。Lisa raved on about how awful it all was.莉萨气愤地诉说着这一切是多么地糟糕。Every time he inhaled, his lungs made an awful wheezing sound.他每吸一口气,肺部就会发出可怕的呼哧声。He realized that he had committed/made an awful/embarrassing gaffe when he mispronounced her name.念错她名字时,他意识到自己犯了一个极难看/尴尬的错误。There is awful deprivation in the shanty towns.贫民窟里的生活条件十分糟糕。He suffered awful injuries in the crash.他在撞车事故中受了重伤。My fiancé's friends are planning a bachelor party for him, and I have a feeling something awful is going to happen.我未婚夫的朋友打算为他搞个单身聚会,我觉得某种可怕的事要发生了。I'm sure he's not malingering. He looked awful when I saw him last night.我肯定他不是装病,我昨晚见到他的时候他气色很不好。There were these awful people sitting behind us who talked all through the film.就是这些差劲的人坐在我们后面,整场电影放映期间一直在说话。She just has such awful taste - I don't want her help picking out dresses.她的品味太差了,我可不要她帮我挑衣服。She had gained an awful lot of journalistic experience within a short space of time.她在很短的时间内就积累了相当丰富的新闻工作经验。In the hotel lounge an awful chamber orchestra was sawing away under a lot of imitation palm leaves.在旅馆大厅浓密的人造棕叶之下,一支蹩脚的室内乐乐队正在演奏。The children got hold of the drums and made an awful row. 孩子们弄来几面鼓,敲得震耳欲聋。It's awful having to defend oneself all the time.不得不时时为自己辩护,这实在让人讨厌。They did moonlight flits from one awful apartment to another.他们经常半夜出逃,从一个蹩脚的公寓搬到另一个蹩脚的公寓。The conditions in the camp are just awful.营地的条件简直太差了。It's an awful cheek, the way he keeps asking you to lend him money.真是不知廉耻,他不停地要你借钱给他。She needs to fire her stylist - that outfit is awful!她应该把造型师解雇了,那件外套实在太难看了。The hospital provides typically awful institutional food.医院供应的是公共机构常见的那种难吃的食物。The weather was pretty awful.天气糟透了。I know I tend to dramatize things but it really was awful.我知道我容易把事情夸大,但那件事的确很糟糕。Our vacation was a disaster: not only was the food terrible, the weather was awful as well.我们的假期糟透了:不仅食物很差,天气也很恶劣。He's an awful person.他是个讨厌的人。You misjudge me if you think I'd do something awful like that.假如你认为我会做出如此不堪的事,那你就看错人了。I found myself in an awful fix. 我发现自己处境糟糕。Retreating soldiers told stories of awful atrocities committed by the enemy.撤退的士兵们叙述了敌军犯下的可怕暴行。It was an awful thing for him to say, but there's no point in getting upset about it.他这样说是不好,但也没有必要生气。That awful squeaking is enough to set my teeth on edge!那恐怖的尖叫声够让我不舒服的了!




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