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词汇 away from home
例句 He ran away from home and lived rough on the streets until the police helped him get into a hostel.他离家出走,露宿街头,直到警察把他送进一家收容所。I felt the need to break away from home.我觉得有必要从家里出来。Students living away from home are required to register with a local doctor.离家上学的学生须到当地医生那里注册。They were away from home, and in times of stress they felt it strongly.他们远离家人,面临压力时格外想家。The club is having to play all its fixtures away from home.俱乐部不得不在本部之外举行各种经常性的体育活动。Her endless nagging drove him away from home.她无休止的唠叨抱怨逼得他离家出走了。Ernest twice ran away from home.厄内斯特两次离家出走。One main idea possessed her; she must get away from home.她只有一个想法;她一定要离家出走。She bundled away from home to catch the train.她匆匆离家去赶火车。Her mother's continual nagging drove her into running away from home.她母亲无休止的唠叨迫使她离家出走。After being away from home for so long, my friends and family were a sight for sore eyes.离开家这么久,我很高兴见到朋友和家人。His father worked away from home a lot.他父亲经常出差。Her job means she's away from home for weeks at a time.她的工作意味着她每一次离家都得连续几周。He hasn't been away from home before.以前他从没有离开过家。My elder sisters and brothers have moved away from home and are now independent.我的哥哥姊姊已从家里搬了出去,现在都自立了。They are balancing careers and child care, a juggle made more difficult with Clark working away from home.他们正在事业和养育孩子之间寻找平衡,这件需要兼顾的事情由于克拉克在外地工作而变得难上加难。He ran away from home to escape a brutal and drunken father.为了躲避他野蛮残忍、酗酒成性的父亲,他从家中逃走了。My job requires me to be away from home for five months of the year.因为工作需要,我每年要出差五个月。Thousands of children run away from home each year.每年有成千上万名儿童离家出走。He spent a period away from home.他离家生活了一段时间。I will be away from home for two weeks.我将离开家两个星期。She had run away from home several times in her teens.她十几岁的时候几次离家出走。Her husband worked away from home a lot.她丈夫经常离家在外工作。Tear-soaked letters punctuated the first week away from home.离家后的第一个星期总是流着眼泪写家信。I have a brother, but he's away from home at present.我有个哥哥,但他现在不在家。Her work means that she spends long periods away from home.她的工作意味着她得长时间离家在外。Living away from home has given him renewed self-confidence.离家独立生活使他重新获得了自信。Richard and Laura exchanged conspiratorial glances, for all the world like two naughty children who had wandered away from home.理查德和劳拉交换了一下会意的眼神,就像两个离家出走的顽皮孩子。Jack worked as a pilot and was often away from home.杰克是飞行员,经常不在家。The little boy who ran away from home soon felt hunger.从家里出走的那个小男孩不久便感到饿了。Far away from home, the overseas student dreamt of returning to his own fireside.这位远离家乡的留学生渴望着回家。In a wayward mood, he ran away from home.他任性地离家出走了。When a child grows up and moves away from home, it can be hard for parents to let go. 当孩子长大成人从家里搬出去后,就此放手对家长来说不容易。Ben was constantly away from home on business and, not surprisingly, their relationship suffered.本总是出差在外,因此他们的关系恶化就不足为奇了。Whenever he came to the city, his brother's place was like a home away from home.他每次进城,都住在他兄弟舒适的家里。She's never been this far away from home.她从来没离家这么远过。He had never been away from home before: so his mother watched him go with some misgivings.他从来没有离开过家,所以他妈妈担忧地望著他离去。He was spending more and more time away from home.他不在家的时间越来越长。She ran away from home last night.她昨天夜里从家里跑了。Both of my sisters moved even farther away from home.我的两个姐姐都搬得离家更远了。




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