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词汇 away
例句 The waitress whisked our coffee cups away before we'd had a chance to finish.我们还没来得及喝完,女招待就收走了咖啡杯。Our prices are so cheap we're practically giving away everything in our store!我们的价格非常便宜,店内所有商品几乎都是白送!The girl turned and darted away through the trees.女孩转身穿过树林飞速跑开了。It's time to put everything away now.现在该把东西都收拾好了。In the closing shot of the film, Hoffman walks away from the camera without looking back.影片的最后一幕是霍夫曼头也不回地从摄影机前走远。Nobody could foresee his running away.没人预见到他的逃跑。His voice tailed away into silence as he lost courage.他一害怕,嗓门就越来越低而终于不再作声了。I gradually felt my fear ooze away.我感到我的恐惧感慢慢消失了。She waved away my offer of a cigarette.她挥手拒绝了我敬她的烟。 It will be hard for his lawyers to explain away this new evidence.要把这一新的证据搪塞过去对他的律师来说并不容易。The telephone wires have been ripped away by the criminals.电话线已被罪犯扯掉了。It would be naive to think that this could solve all the area's problems straight away.认为这样就可以马上解决该地区的所有问题也太天真了。People should have their driving licences taken away if they can't drive responsibly.人们如果开车不能认真负责,就应该没收他们的驾驶执照。Mike had been challenged and he was not going to back away from the contest.迈克受到挑战,而面对这场比赛他是不会退缩的。Some of the funds had been spirited away to other accounts.一部分资金被偷偷转移到其他账户了。She sat at a low table, chipping away with a small hammer.她坐在矮桌前,用一把小锤头不断敲凿。He drew away from his family.他离家出走了。The soldiers closed ranks and kept the enemy away from the bridge.士兵们以严整队形防守阵地,不让敌人接近大桥。It is the charity's proud boast that it has never yet turned anyone away.该慈善机构从未将任何人拒之门外,并引以为豪。She ran away with the election.她轻松赢得了这场选举。The ground fell away in a broad sweep down to the river.转过一处大弯后,地面消失在与河水相接处。Alistair had carefully folded up the paper and stowed it away under the sacks.阿利斯泰尔小心地把纸叠起来,放到了厚纸袋下。I had noticed blood on my husband's clothing but he explained it away.我注意到丈夫的衣服上有血迹,但是被他搪塞过去了。The crowd began to drift away.人群开始散开。Anna tried to break away but he held her tight.安娜试图挣脱,但他紧紧地抓住她。He looked away from the computer screen to rest his eyes.他把视线从电脑显示屏上移开,让眼睛休息一下。He had a terrible urge to run away and hide.他有一种想要逃离并躲起来的强烈冲动。Your nest egg will be nibbled away by tax and inflation.你的储备金会被税收和通货膨胀蚕食掉。Does television drain away the cinema audience?电视会使电影观众越来越少吗? I had a walk on the South Downs to blow away the cobwebs.我到南部丘陵去散了一会儿步,让头脑清醒清醒。Danny swiveled his chair away from me.丹尼把椅子从我身边转开了。The afternoon quietly slipped away.那个下午不知不觉地过去了。How could you let him get away!你怎么能让他逃掉呢!Before I resort to pills I always try to massage the tension away.我总是先试图通过推拿来缓解紧张焦虑,不成了再吃药。Huge sums were spirited away into secret bank accounts.大笔金额被偷偷转入了秘密的银行账户。The couple were swept away by the strong current.这对夫妻被巨大的水流卷走了。Please don't turn your head away when I'm trying to kiss you.我要吻你的时候请不要把头转过去。The quality of his work has fallen away a little.他的工作质量下降了一些。Don't throw your old clothes away, they might come back into fashion in a few years.别把旧衣服扔掉,说不定过几年这些衣服的式样又会流行起来。He tried to steer the conversation away from the topic of money.谈话中他尽力避开钱这个话题。




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