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词汇 old furniture
例句 The room was full of bulky old furniture.房间里摆满了笨重的旧家具。She affects old furniture and china.她喜欢古老的家具和瓷器。Making a completely clean break with the past, the couple got rid of all their old furniture.为了与过去彻底决裂,这对夫妇扔掉了他们全部的旧家具。I stored up the old furniture in the warehouse.我把旧家具存放在了仓库里。I gave away most of my old furniture because I didn't have room for it in my new apartment.我把大部分旧家具都送了人,因为我的新公寓里放不下。They bought up pieces of old furniture and passed them off as valuable antiques.他们收购旧家具,然后假称它们是值钱的古董。I got rid of some old furniture by selling/giving it to my nephew.我处理掉了一些旧家具,把它们卖/送给了我的外甥。It will cost considerable time to lacquer the old furniture.油漆旧家具要花相当多时间。He backed into the antiques business almost by accident when he sold some old furniture he'd inherited.他在售卖家传旧家具时,几乎是纯属偶然地涉足了古玩业。They take old furniture and fix it up.他们把旧家具拿去修好。Let's fling that old furniture away and buy some new.我们扔掉那些旧家具买点新的吧。The room was encumbered with old furniture.这间屋子堆满了旧家具。We found many things in the house, including some old furniture.我们在房子里找到好多东西,包括一些旧家具。The room was full of old furniture that didn't quite match.房间里全是不太相配的旧家具。They are going to renovate the old furniture.他们准备将旧家具整修一番。We renovated the old furniture ourselves.我们自己动手把旧家具整修如新。Women were scavenging for old furniture.女人们在翻找旧家具。




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