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词汇 of the year
例句 All the city's schools will be online by the end of the year.到年底,市里的所有学校都会联网。Profits tailed off towards the end of the year.利润到年底几乎减为零了。The team has suffered a loss of form since the turn of the year.自进入今年以来,这支队伍一直不在状态。People tell me that my business will never succeed. Well, I have news for them. I'm going to make a profit by the end of the year.人们说我的生意永远不会成功。那么,我要告诉他们,我今年年底就会盈利。The end of the year was their self-imposed deadline for finishing the work.年底是他们自己提出的完成工作的最后期限。Eagles breed during the cooler months of the year.鹰在一年中较凉爽的季节交配繁殖。We approach the end of the year with the economy slowing and little sign of cheer.快到年末时,我们面临着经济放缓、处处萧条的局面。Profits are evenly distributed among the directors at the end of the year.利润在年底时平均分配给董事们。I love the spring – it's a wonderful time of the year.我喜欢春季 — 这是一年里最美妙的时间。The win was his second of the year.这是他本年度第二次获胜。The first of the year Peter did well in school, but then he started moving in reverse.学年之始彼得成绩很好,但后来就开始倒退了。She dwells in the country during most of the year.一年中的大部分时间她居住在乡下。The new factory will come on stream at the end of the year.新工厂将于年底投入使用。Fresh fruit is unobtainable at certain times of the year.一年中有些时候买不到新鲜水果。At the end of the year we check to see if your tax is right.在岁末我们检查一下你的纳税是否正确。To say he wasn't amused must be the understatement of the year.说他没有被逗乐肯定是本年度最委婉的说法。She clocked up one of the fastest times of the year.她创造了当年最短用时之一。At the end of the year, the company re-formed.年末公司进行了重组。Fitness gurus call it the hottest new exercise trend of the year.健身专家称这是今年最新最流行的锻炼趋势。When I was young, Christmas was the highlight of the year.小时候圣诞节是我一年中最开心的时候。The band is putting on its biggest concert of the year.该乐队正在上演他们今年规模最大的音乐会。We're hoping that we can clear all our debts by the end of the year.我们希望今年年底能把所有的欠债还清。By the end of the year, the two old friends were no longer on speaking terms.到年底时这两个老朋友就互不理睬了。The price of oil should remain stable for the rest of the year.年内油价应该会保持稳定。He had his head in the clouds and was too cocky after he was a surprise winner of the player of the year award.自从出乎意料获得年度最佳运动员后,他就一直心不在焉,得意忘形。This is going to be the biggest society wedding of the year.这将成为本年度最盛大的名流婚礼。Logging companies would have to leave a central area of the forest before the end of the year.伐木公司可能要在年底前把森林的一处中心地带留出来。The new Renault was voted car of the year.新款雷诺汽车被评为年度最佳汽车。We'll go in the latter half of the year.我们将在下半年去。The needs of personal computers were surging in the first half of the year.今年上半年,家用电脑的需求量不断猛增。The win was his third of the year.这是他本年度第三次获胜。There are more people buying at this time of the year so prices are high.这个季节购物的人比较多,所以价格高。You should avoid over-spending in the first half of the year.上半年你应避免超支。Being named the best athlete of the year was an important episode in his life.他被命名为当年的最佳运动员是他一生中的重要事件。This will negatively affect the result over the first half of the year.这将对上半年的结果产生不利影响。She dazzled fellow guests at the society wedding of the year.她在今年的名流婚礼上迷倒了各位男宾。The crisis had been brewing since the start of the year.年初以来这场危机就一直在酝酿中。Without a skilled man in the saddle this business is likely to be completely ruined before the end of the year.没有一位懂行的人掌权,这家企业很可能在年底前完蛋。He's a teacher most of the year, but in the summer he hires himself out as a tour guide.他一年大部分时间在当老师,但在夏季他受雇去当导游。He was voted horse of the year and then was retired to stud.这匹马被评为年度冠军后就退役成了种马。




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