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例句 Don't breathe a syllable of it.这事半个字也不要透露。I love getting her letters. Come to think of it, I haven't had one for a while.我非常喜欢收到她的来信。想起来了,已经有一段时间没收到了。He's so depressed. He doesn't seem able to snap out of it at all.他沮丧之极,看上去像再也恢复不过来了似的。I knew we could make a go of it and be happy.我知道我们能做成这件事并且会很开心。He's come in for a lot of criticism, most of it completely undeserved.他受到了不少批评,大部分是完全不应该的。Tell me what you remember of it.关于这事,把你能记得起来的都告诉我。I didn't know anyone at the party, and I felt really out of it.聚会上我一个人也不认识,感觉很不是滋味。We've broken the back of it now and we should be finished by Friday.我们现在已经完成了绝大部分,星期五之前应该能全部完成。The report has been rejected by the authorities, who said much of it was based on supposition or inaccuracy.当局驳回了该报告,称其许多内容有的纯属臆测,有的存在偏差错误。There's corruption, and we're going to get rid of it.存在贪污腐败现象,我们将予以清除。The kids got a big wallop out of it.孩子们从中得到极大的乐趣。You're a quick learner! It took me ages to get the hang of it.你学得真快!我花了很长时间才学会。He promised he'd help me paint the living room, but now he's trying to wriggle out of it.他答应过会帮我粉刷客厅,但现在又想躲开。Planning a vacation is half the fun of it.安排去度假本身也一样开心。Most children who stammer grow out of it.大多数口吃的儿童长大以后就好了。I need not press the urgency of the matter on you, as I konw you are fully aware of it yourselves.我无需向你们强调此事的急迫性,因为我知道,你们自己对此完全了解。She's not been having an easy time of it financially.她经济上一直不宽裕。It isn't your business, you stay out of it and let her handle it.这与你无关,你别去插手,让她来处理。She picked herself up and started the dance again, determined not to make a hash of it this time.她爬起来开始继续跳舞,下决心这一次不能再搞砸了。The humour of it takes some finding.其中的幽默需花些功夫体味才行。The baron became increasingly heated over the hypocrisy of it all.男爵对整件事的虚伪感到越来越生气。We've just had a new heating system installed, but unfortunately they didn't make a very good job of it.我们刚刚请人安装了一套新的取暖系统,可惜他们装得不是很好。The humour of it takes finding.其中的幽默要好好体味才能发现。Sydney Smith, a notable wit, once remarked that he never read a book before he reviewed it because it might prejudice his opinion of it.悉尼‧史密斯,一个风趣出了名的家伙,曾说过他从来不在评论一部书之前去读它,因为这样会让他对这部书产生偏见。Let me tell you the full of it.让我把全部情况告诉你。The humour of it takes a bit of finding.其中的幽默非细细体会不可。I wish I had your courage, Michael, to make a joke of it like that.我真希望能有你那样的勇气,迈克尔,能把事情那么一笑置之。All she wanted was a simple wedding, but he had to make a big production out of it.她只想举行简朴的婚礼,但是他却不得不大事铺张一番。By the sound of it, things are worse than we thought.听起来,情况比我们原来想的还要糟。Read the article once through to get the gist of it.把文章通读一遍以抓住要点。The horror of it all had overwhelmed me.这件整个事带来的恐惧让我不知所措。I've only done half of it, I'm sorry to say.很遗憾,我只完成了一半。He became almost poetic when he talked of it.他谈及这件事的时候变得诗意十足。We duelled for two years and Peterson made the most of it, playing us off against each other.我们争斗了两年,彼得森充分利用了这点,在我们中间挑拨离间。On the face of it the problem seems minor.乍看上去是个小问题。He was out of it,the other horse has won.他输了,别的马赢了。Couldn't you be out of it at rehearsals this afternoon?在今天下午的排练中你能不能别喝得酩酊大醉?Your car will last longer if you take care of it.你的车如果好好保养,就可以开得久一点儿。We'll have to spend the night here, so we might as well make the best of it.我们得在这地方住一夜,所以还是将就一下吧。If our team loses two more games, we'll be out of it.如果我队再输两场,我们将被淘汰。




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