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词汇 avoided
例句 Civilian casualties must be avoided at all costs.必须不惜一切代价避免平民伤亡。The report studiously avoided any mention of the controversial plan.这份报告有意避而不谈那个有争议的计划。Many holidaymakers had avoided the worst of the delays by consulting tourist offices.许多度假者通过咨询旅游局避免了那些最严重的延误情况。I've always avoided acting on impulse.我一直避免意气用事。If the toddler had been dealt with properly at first, the rest of his misbehaviour would have been avoided.要是从一开始就对小孩子合理管教,他就不会养成其他的坏毛病。She accused the minister of equivocating, claiming that he had deliberately avoided telling the public how bad the problem really was.她指责部长含糊其词,称他故意不让公众知道问题真正严重到了什么地步。In her speech, she carefully avoided any mention of her costar.在演讲中,她谨慎地避免提及与她合作的明星。He simply disliked working with committees and avoided it whenever possible.他非常不喜欢在各类委员会工作,只要可能他就会避免。Connors just avoided being knocked out in the second run.康纳斯在第二轮比赛中险些被淘汰。They avoided what could have been an ugly situation.他们避免了一场本可能会很糟糕的局面。He narrowly avoided going to jail.他差点就要进监狱了。He avoided giving a direct answer.他避免作出正面回答。Peter had always thought of Kate as someone to be avoided.彼得一向认为应该躲着凯特这个人。She doubted that the accident could have been avoided.她不认为那场意外本可以避免。The riots could have been avoided, a report revealed yesterday.昨天的一份报道透露,骚乱本来是可以避免的。Small bones should be avoided as the dog may swallow them whole and risk internal injury.不要给狗喂小块的骨头,以免它整个吞下去而造成内部器官损伤。She avoided conversation with the other passengers.她避免和其他乘客交谈。They were into free love and avoided commitment.他们之间只是不言承诺的自由性爱关系。Everybody concedes the fact that an American veto should be avoided, if it can.每个人都承认如果可能的话,应避免美国行使否决权。The escaped prisoners have so far avoided recapture.到目前为止,那些越狱犯人还没被抓回来。The recession could be avoided if business keeps a firm grip on its costs.企业如果严格控制成本就可以避免不景气。He avoided publicity and disliked the attention his acting brought him.他处事低调,不喜欢让自己的行为引起公众的注意。They avoided/eluded/escaped capture.他们逃脱了缉捕。Both sides pledged that war would be avoided at all costs.双方承诺不惜一切代价避免战争。Loose terminology must be avoided.应避免使用意义含糊的术语。Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.打官司费钱耗时而且给人添堵,所以最好能避则避。Such work can be avoided if you grease the palms of the officials.如果你买通了官员,这些工作就可以免去了。This error might have been avoided had the publisher of the current edition updated the translation.要是当前版本的出版者修订过译文,那么这个错误可能就不会出现了。The crew narrowly avoided shipwreck.船员们险些没躲过船难。Reporters dredged up the fact that the senator avoided the military draft.记者们又提起了这名参议员曾逃避服兵役的事。She avoided his eyes and bowed her head.她避开他的目光,低下头来。She avoided his gaze.她回避他的注视。With a little more forward planning, we could have avoided these problems.预先稍作安排的话,我们本可以避免这些问题。They avoided saying anything that might offend their audience.他们避免讲任何可能冒犯观众的话。She avoided his long searching look.她避开了他长时间的探究目光。The quotation of very long passages should be avoided.应该避免摘引非常长的段落。Flying into the airport at Lima, we narrowly avoided a collision with another plane.飞进利马机场时,我们差一点就撞上了另一架飞机。Jackson avoided saying directly that he disapproved of the proposals.杰克逊避免直截了当地说他不赞成这些提议。It avoided so many of the occasions for awkwardness that seemed to occur when they were face to face.这避免了很多让他们面对面的场合,免去了尴尬。The two men carefully avoided one another.这两名男子小心地躲着彼此。




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