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What are the telephone rates during off-peak hours?非通话高峰期的电话费是多少?If you can travel off-peak it will be cheaper and the trains will be less crowded.你如果在淡季旅游,不但花费较少,而且火车也不那么拥挤。Take advantage of off-peak reductions for package holidays.去享受淡季包价旅游的优惠价吧。It's cheaper to go on holiday off-peak.淡季度假比较便宜。I travel off-peak whenever I can.只要可能我总是在淡季旅行。They always vacation during off-peak periods.他们总在淡季休假。At off-peak times senior citizens can use the sports centre at reduced rates.在非繁忙时间长者可以优惠价使用运动中心的设施。I always get an off-peak train into town.我总是搭乘非高峰时间的火车进城。 |