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词汇 office
例句 It's regulation to wear suits at the office.按规定在办公室要穿西服。Do you want to take the call in your office?你想接你办公室里的电话吗?The next morning, on his way to the office, he could still feel the touch of her lips on his.第二天早晨去上班的路上,他依然能体味到她的双唇贴在自己唇上的感觉。These assurances only hold good while he remains in office.只有在他的任期内这些保证才有效。Roz keeps her squash kit at the office and plays at lunchtime.罗兹把壁球服放在办公室里,午餐时间去打球。Company bosses are opening a new office in San Francisco.公司的头儿们在旧金山开了家新办事处。He called me into his office.他把我叫进了他的办公室。The office is on the second floor. 办公室在二楼。He's the go-to guy in the office for tax information.在办公室,想要了解税务信息就得找他。The house where she lives was once the village post office.她现在住的房子曾经是村里的邮局。The office block took the full force of the blast.办公大楼承受了全部的爆炸力。The president elect has been preparing to take office in January.候任总统一直在为一月份的就职做准备。I don't want some boring job in an office!我不想在办公室里干份无聊的工作!The office gives out financial advice to students who ask for it.这个办公室向需要理财建议的学生提供信息。There was a long queue at the post office.邮局里排起了长队。We were told to keep out of his office.我们被告知不得进入他的办公室。Our company is having an office party next week.我们公司下周有个办公室聚会。The post office is directly opposite the town hall.邮局就在市政厅的正对面。Her hair is the envy of the office.她的一头秀发令同办公室的人好生羡慕。They are fed up with the politicians and want to vote them out of office.他们对这些政客感到极其厌烦,希望通过选举将其赶下台。Who's going to mind the office while you're away?你离开的时候谁管办公室?He said the office expenses were too big.他认为办公室的花费太大了。Little did I realize I would one day be in charge of the office.我没有意识到我有一天也会成为办公室主管。You should try and offload some of your duties and relax more, instead of spending all day at the office.你应该想办法减去一些职务,多放松放松,不要整天都待在办公室里。My office is a mess but her office is always pristine.我的办公室乱七八糟,而她的办公室总是干净整洁。The film was a massive hit at the box-office.那部电影极为卖座。It's best to keep your purse out of sight in this office.在这个办公室里最好把钱包放在看不到的地方。It was stipulated that no one could live in an office building except the janitor.规定除门卫外他人一律不得住在办公楼内。People of their religion are barred from holding public office.信奉他们那种宗教的人被禁止担任政府公职。I live on Station Road, just past the post office.我住在车站路,就在邮局过去一点。The work was boring and the office was depressing. By the end of the first week she had had enough.工作乏味,办公室气氛郁闷。过了一个星期她就受够了。Ted is grading papers in his office.特德在办公室批改卷子。Dr Frampton is in charge, but for all practical purposes, her assistant runs the office.理论上是弗兰普顿博士负责,但实际上是她的助手在管理办公室。The head office is in the central part of the city.总公司位于市中心。He continued to appear in the office with unfailing regularity thereafter.从那以后他照常出现在办公室,风雨无阻。General Herrera was elected to a third term of office as President.赫雷拉将军第三度当选总统。The tourist office provides a weekly information sheet about things that are happening in the town.旅游办公室每周提供一份有关本市新闻的信息通报。He tried to avoid the water cooler gossip at the office.他尽量回避办公室里的八卦。People in our office are always bitching about each other.我们办公室里的人总喜欢在背后互相埋怨。I sat on the Colonial bench that was just to the left of the office doorway.我坐在办公室门口左手边那把英国殖民帝国时期的长椅上。




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