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词汇 offer up
例句 Lord, we offer up our prayers to you.主啊,我们向您祈祷。I offered up a short prayer for forgiveness.我做了个简短的祷告,祈求宽恕。The friendly staff offer up a real taste of Southwest America.友善的员工献上了一道具有真正美国西南部风味的菜肴。They offer up their lives to art and literature.他们把生命献给文学艺术。Victor is about to kill Jack, when Jack offers up Alexis in return for his release.维克托准备杀了杰克,杰克却提出以归还亚历克西斯来换取他被释放。Tom must be prepared to offer up some concrete facts.汤姆必须做好准备,提供一些具体事实。The restaurant offers up a completely new menu every season.这家餐厅每个季节都推出全新菜单。Would anyone else like to offer up a suggestion?还有人要提建议吗?Julie offered up a silent prayer that she would pass her exam.朱莉默默地祈祷,希望能通过这次考试。He offered up some chocolate biscuits.他拿出一些巧克力饼干。Dear Lord, we offer up our prayers...亲爱的主,我们向您祈祷…They offered up a prayer of thanks for her safe return.他们为她的平安归来而进行感恩祷告。




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