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词汇 offensive
例句 The troops will take offensive action against the enemy.部队将对敌人发动进攻。Our team succeeded in stopping their offensive momentum.我们队成功地阻止了他们的进攻势头。Republicans mounted an all-out offensive on the Democratic nominee.共和党人向民主党提名人发动了全面攻击。They tried to prevent the inclusion of any offensive material.他们尽量避免收录任何冒犯他人的材料。The great military offensive had failed, and it seemed victory was escaping them.这次大规模的军事进攻失败了,胜利似乎在躲着他们。The material is patently offensive as measured by the standards for the broadcast medium.按照广播媒体的标准,这样的素材无疑令人反感。The diplomatic offensive is an exercise in damage limitation.外交攻击是损失控制上的运用。A lot of the jokes were just gratuitously offensive.许多笑话完全是无端的侮辱。He was labeled a bigot after making some offensive comments.发表了一些攻击性的言论后,他被认为是个偏执狂。This film is offensive, distasteful, and crude.这部影片让人反感、令人厌恶、粗俗不堪。I shall nail my colours firmly to the mast on this subject — as a feminist I find movies like this offensive.我要非常明确地表明自己对这个主题的看法:作为一名女权主义者我认为这类电影是对女性的侮辱。His manner was discourteous, not to say offensive.他的举止即使算不上冒犯,至少也是有失礼貌的。The last offensive drove thousands of people into Thailand.最后一次进攻将成千上万的人赶到了泰国。He read your new book and said it was wholesome and not at all offensive.他看了你写的新书,说内容很健康,没有任何令人反感之处。This poster is offensive in a Catholic school.这张海报贴在一所天主教学校里实在无礼。We studied their offensive maneuvers and anticipated the attack.我们研究了他们的进攻策略,预料到了这次进攻。The troops took up offensive positions.部队准备发动攻击。Military officials are still tight-lipped about when or whether their forces will launch a ground offensive.军官们对于什么时候以及是否发动地面进攻依然守口如瓶。The Foreign Secretary has decided to take the offensive in the discussion on the future of the community.外交大臣决定在有关该社群未来的讨论中采取攻势。An offensive odor was coming from the basement.地下室传来一股难闻的气味。He found her comments deeply irritating/offensive.他觉得她的话让人觉得很不舒服/及其无礼。The ambassador's offensive remarks provoked widespread criticism.大使冒犯的言论招来了广泛的批评。Alfie was nicked for carrying an offensive weapon.阿尔菲因携带攻击性武器而被逮捕。Throughout the football game a small section of the crowd was chanting offensive slogans.有一小部分人在整场足球赛期间都在反复喊一些冒犯性的口号。Many people found his bigoted comments offensive.很多人觉得他的偏执言论令人恼火。His comments were offensive and condescending to us.他的评论对我们傲慢无礼。The interview was offensive and sickeningly irresponsible.访谈很无礼并且相当不负责任。The comedian wasn't funny at all; he was just crude and offensive.这个喜剧演员一点也不滑稽,只是粗俗下流。He would soon launch a second offensive, killing off the peace process.他不久将会再次发动进攻,彻底毁掉整个和平进程。He was still on the offensive against the sponsors.他仍在攻击主办人。They wanted me to change the title to something less gratuitously offensive.他们希望我将题目修改一下,以免显得太过冒犯。In the eyes of the law his knife was an offensive weapon.从法律上看,他的刀是攻击性武器。The government has embarked on an all-out offensive to destroy rebel bases.政府已发动全面进攻以摧毁叛军基地。If all else fails, we'll go over to the offensive.如果一切其他办法均不奏效,我们将转入进攻。Government troops launched an offensive against UNITA positions in the north.政府军向争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟的北方阵地发动进攻。I know you're above me socially, but I must say I find your attitude offensive.我明白你的社会地位比我高,但我得说我觉得你的态度很粗鲁。She pleaded guilty to carrying an offensive weapon.她对自己携带攻击性武器表示服罪。Heavy fighting has been going on after the guerrillas had launched their offensive.游击队发起攻击后,激烈的战斗一直持续不断。Foote made an errant pass in the offensive zone.富特在进攻区传球失误。She took the offensive, challenging her critics to prove their allegations.她先发制人,要求批评她的人证明他们的指控。




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