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例句 Keep track of all your payments by writing them down in a book.在本子上记下你所有的付款项目。I'm sick and tired of all his interfering.我十分厌倦他事事干涉。Please state on the form the approximate value of all your household goods.请在表格上写明你家中所有物品大概的价值。The economy should be organized to serve the interests of all the people.经济的组织运行应符合所有人的利益。Yesterday the village was quite unknown, but today it's on the front page of all the newspapers.昨天这个村庄还是寂寂无名的,可今天它却登上了所有报纸的头版。Laver was, unarguably, one of the greatest tennis players of all time.毫无疑问,拉弗是历史上最伟大的网球运动员之一。Further investigation was hindered by the loss of all documentation on the case.由于案件卷宗全部丢失致使进一步的调查受阻。In hospital, she felt stripped of all her dignity.她感觉自己在医院里被剥夺了所有的自尊。The gamblers fleeced Adams of all his money.那些赌棍把亚当斯的钱都诈骗光了。It was decided to hold a ballot of all party members.决定由全体党员投票表决。Regular inspections are required of all restaurants in the area.本地区的所有餐馆都需要定期接受检查。Details of all courses can be found in the prospectus.所有课程详情可在学校简介中查阅。In spite of all her complaints, Jilly looked the picture of health.吉莉尽管有很多小毛病,但看上去很健康。She is very keen on sport of all kinds.她对各种运动都十分喜爱。A jury cleared the company of all criminal charges in connection with the accident.陪审团宣布对这家公司的一切与此次事故相关的罪行起诉均不能成立。Messages of encouragement poured in from people of all kinds.各界人士纷纷表达了鼓励之意。She met her future husband in a grocery store, of all places.她竟然是在一家杂货店里与她的未婚夫相识的。It accounts for 15 per cent of all air accidents.它占所有空难的15%。No one, least of all the children, wanted to go home early.没有人想早回家,尤其是这些孩子们。There are gaps in the provision of all kinds of government services.在提供各种政府服务方面还有差距。Could you make up a list of all the things that need to be done?你能否将要做的所有事情列张清单?We demand the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners.我们要求立即无条件释放所有的政治犯。He has called a meeting of all parties tomorrow, with a view to forming a national reconciliation government.为了组建一个协调各方利益的全国性联合政府,他已召集所有党派参加明天的会议。She said she wanted most of all to be fair.她说她最想要的是公平。You should get rid of all that junk in your garage.你应该把车库里的所有废旧杂物清理掉。He was stripped of all his titles.他所有的头衔都被剥夺了。Voters are tired of all the vituperation in this campaign.选民们对这场竞选活动中的一切谩骂感到厌烦。He was beloved of all.他是所有人的宠儿。No amount of cleaning will get rid of all this dirt.再怎么清洁也去不掉所有污垢。The insurance will cover the cost of all repairs to the vehicle.这种保险承保这辆汽车的所有修理费。The ambassador opened the gift in front of all his guests - and the box was empty! It was the most excruciating moment of my life.大使当着所有的宾客打开了礼物—可礼盒竟是空的!这是我一生中最窘迫的时刻。Sinatra remains one of the top entertainers of all time.西纳特拉一直是最著名的艺人之一。He has decided to prosecute her after careful consideration of all the relevant facts.仔细考虑过所有相关事实后,他决定起诉她。He was now reaping the fruits of all his hard work.他正在收获所有辛勤劳动的果实。I hate to think of all that hard work going down the drain!所有的辛劳都付诸东流,我真不愿去想!Get rid of all cigarettes and ashtrays and other paraphernalia associated with smoking.扔掉所有香烟、烟灰缸和与吸烟有关的其他物品。Tom has got ahead of all the other boys in the class.汤姆优于班上其他的孩子。Public services of all kinds are being dismantled.各种各样的公共服务正在被逐渐取消。He has a couple of roommates but they kind of all do their own thing.他有几个室友,但他们都有点自行其是。The sight of all the brave men and women parading gave me immense pride.看到那些勇敢的男人和女人游行,我感到极为自豪。




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