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例句 Barry had obviously come in on the tail end of the conversation.巴里很显然是在谈话接近尾声时进来的。I thought he was very attractive and obviously very intelligent.我觉得他魅力非凡,才智过人。From the look on their faces, I was obviously persona non grata.从他们的表情上来看,我显然是不受欢迎的人。Strachan had obviously geed his team up at half-time because they were much more aggressive.斯特罗恩显然在中场休息时鼓舞了士气,因为队员们的表现积极多了。It makes no sense to invest more money in a project that is so obviously a failure.投更多的钱在一个明显会失败的项目上是不明智的。Jeff was obviously calling from a public place.显然杰夫是从公共场所打电话来的。Her heart warmed to Amos. He was obviously a man who loved animals.她对阿莫斯产生了好感。显然他是个热爱动物的男子。He obviously doesn't give a tinker's damn about what happens.他显然对发生的事毫不在乎。I'm not against vivisection, but obviously we all want to avoid animals suffering unnecessarily.我不反对动物活体试验,但显然我们都想要避免让动物遭受不必要的痛苦。I only said it in jest - you're obviously not fat.我那么说是开玩笑——很显然,你不胖。Dad was obviously far too absorbed in his own difficulties to be interested in mine.爸爸显然对他自己的困难太关注了,所以就没兴趣管我的事了。They obviously appreciate you very much.他们显然对你十分感激。This gorgeous woman walked in, beautifully dressed and obviously stinking rich.这个漂亮女人走了进来,衣着华美,显然富得冒油。My father was out of work at the time, so we struggled, obviously.我爸爸当时失业了,所以很显然我们的日子很不好过。Fostering a teenager is obviously different from fostering a small child.收养十几岁的孩子显然不同于收养一个幼童。The victim had obviously struggled furiously against her attacker.很明显,被害者曾与袭击者拼命搏斗过。She was very glum and was obviously missing her children.她郁郁寡欢,显然在惦念自己的孩子们。Now, erm, obviously some of our listeners may have some ideas.嗯,对了,显然我们的一些听众可能会有些想法。The series was obviously cheaply produced.该系列显然是廉价生产的。By aptitude, personality, and work he is obviously slated to go up.他有才能,人品好,办事勤奋,显然定会步步高升。He's obviously a man of very high intelligence.显然他是个非常聪明的人。He was obviously acting purely out of selfish interest.显然他这么做纯粹是出于一己私利。He was not obviously drunk.他醉得并不明显。Lampley was obviously completely wacko.兰普利显然完全疯了。The painter quite obviously set out to flatter his sitter.很显然,画家尽力美化他的模特。He nodded absently, his mind obviously on other things.他心不在焉地点了点头,心思显然在其他事情上。The charges against him are obviously/patently absurd.针对他的指控显然很荒谬。With an indirect free kick, you obviously have to pass before you can shoot.在罚间接任意球时,球必须先传出,才能射门。The carpet has no borders and has obviously cut for a room of larger size.这张地毯四周无边,显然原来是裁下供一间面积较大的房间用的。Such cheap goods obviously rely on dirt cheap labor.这么便宜的商品显然是依靠极廉价的劳动力。George is obviously very attached to you.乔治显然非常喜欢你。The man was obviously looking for a fight.这个男人显然是想找人打架。She was bored because he obviously wasn't in her league.她感到厌烦,因为很明显他和自己并不是同一类型的人。She obviously enjoys her work.她明显很喜欢她的工作。He was obviously besotted with Julia.他显然痴痴地爱着朱莉娅。These books are obviously written for a young readership.这些书显然是为年轻读者写的。The world of advertising is obviously less bound by convention than the world of banking.显然,广告业比银行业更少受到惯例的束缚。That guy obviously doesn't have a clue how to put a Web page together.那家伙显然一点都不知道怎样凑成一个网页。This obviously depends on the weather in the coming months.这显然取决于未来几个月的天气。She's so obviously cleverer and prettier than I am.她明显要比我聪明、漂亮得多。




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