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词汇 obligation
例句 We felt an obligation to our readers to tell the true story.我们觉得有责任告诉读者真相。Having promised to cut taxes, the government now has an obligation to do so.政府曾经许诺要减税,现在有责任那样做。If you are selling your property, why not call us for a free valuation without obligation?.如果您打算出售房产,何不打电话让我们作免费估价呢?I'm morally under obligation to do the best I can by her.我在道义上有责任尽量善待她。It hardly altered the fact that I was under an obligation to listen to her.这几乎改变不了我必须听她的话这一事实。You have the obligation to your family to choose carefully.你有责任为家人仔细选择。Congress has a solemn obligation to vote on any commitment of US troops.国会有对美国军队的任何任务进行投票的神圣职责。It is self-evident to most people that the government is under no obligation to finance the arts.大多数人都明白,政府没有义务一定要资助艺术。Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income may be considered as a basis for repaying this obligation.赡养费、子女抚养费或分居抚养费的收入可以视作偿还这一债务的基础。You are not under any obligation to buy anything.你不一定要买什么东西。I have an ethical and a moral obligation to my client.我对我的当事人负有道义上的责任。She believes that all people have a moral obligation to defend human rights.她认为所有人都有道义上的责任去捍卫人权。Good citizenship is about a sense of obligation to the society in which one lives.好公民就是要对自己所在的社会负有一种责任感。There's no obligation to do anything at all. Sleep on it, and tell me what you think in the morning.做不做由你。先考虑一下,明天早上告诉我你的想法。Every community had a moral obligation to its own poor.每个社区在道义上都有责任照顾本社区的贫困居民。He felt that he had a moral obligation/responsibility/duty to help the poor.他觉得自己在道义上有义务帮助穷人。They look on life at college as a blessed release from the obligation to work.他们把大学生活看成是一种愉快的解脱,可以不用承担工作的义务。The contract was declared null, and we were released from our agreement/obligation.这份合同被宣布无效,我们也从协定/义务中解脱。She felt a vague sense of obligation.她觉得有种隐约的责任感。A lawyer owes an obligation of confidence to the client.律师有为当事人保密的义务。She had a contractual obligation to my client.她对我的客户负有合同义务。A moral obligation attaches to high rank.道义上的责任是和高级职位连在一起的。Officers have a statutory obligation to report any crime committed by a government employee.官员有法定义务报告政府雇员犯下的任何罪行。Ministers are under no obligation to follow the committee's recommendations.部长不必非得听从委员会的建议。We have a moral obligation to provide aid to them.我们在道义上有义务给他们帮助。We should consider this as an obligation.我们应该将此看作一种恩惠。We have a moral obligation to help.在道义上我们有责任帮忙。Our client is under no obligation to accept your offer.我们的客户没有接受你们提议的义务。Our mortgage advice is given free and without obligation.我们免费提供按揭贷款建议,仅供参考。When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.老师布置家庭作业时,学生们通常都觉得必须完成。You are under no obligation to buy the house if you have not signed a purchase agreement.如果你没有签订购买合同,就不一定非买这房子不可。We are under no obligation to give him what he wants.我们没有义务他要什么就给什么。The firm is under no obligation to offer you a job.本公司并无义务一定得给你一份工作。You are not under any obligation to stay. 你没有义务必须要留下。Anyone who rents a house is under an obligation to keep it clean and tidy.任何租房者都有责任保持房屋的干净和整洁。This advice is free and without obligation.这一建议为无偿提供。Our parents fulfilled their obligation to support us.父母亲尽到了抚养我们的责任。His commitments to the stepchildren will not reduce his obligation to his natural children.他对继子女的关爱和投入不会减少他对亲生孩子的责任。There is no obligation on them to do this.他们没有义务做这件事。We were under obligation to finish the work in a satisfactory way.我们有义务圆满地完成工作。




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