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例句 They believe that the benefits of the tax cut for corporations should eventually trickle down to the average consumer.他们相信减税给企业带来的利益最终会向下渗透,惠及普通消费者。In order to be a pilot you need to be of above average intelligence.要想成为一名飞行员,你的智力应当高于一般水平。The average amount of land per head is declining.人均土地面积正在缩小。How big is the average 4-year-old's vocabulary?一般四岁儿童的词汇量有多大?The subject matter was so technical as to be beyond the ken of the average person.该主题专业性太强,一般的外行人很难理解。The tree has an average annual growth of almost a foot.这棵树平均每年几乎长高一英尺。Their average grades have risen, but there is still room for improvement.他们的平均成绩提高了,但仍有提升余地。Prices have increased on average about eight percent.价格平均增长百分之八。What was the average temperature yesterday?昨天平均温度是多少? A large number of families in the area are living on below-average incomes.该地区的许多家庭都靠平均水平以下的收入过活。The survey suggests that rising crime is the top of the average American's concerns.此项调查显示,罪案上升是美国人普遍最担心的事。He's just your average guy. 他只是个普通人。The average domestic heating system could be run much more economically.普通家庭供暖系统还可以做到更加节约。The technical specifications are virtually unreadable to the average consumer.普通消费者几乎看不懂专业说明书。She thought the performance was just average.她觉得这场演出的水平一般。The school's test scores were comparable to the national average.这所学校的测验分数和全国平均分不相上下。These exam results are way above average.这些考试成绩远高于平均水平。It wasn't your average snowstorm. 这不是一场普通的暴风雪。Profit and dividend growth looks like being above average for the foreseeable future.利润和红利的增长看上去会在较长时间内维持在平均水平之上。The audience figures were lower than average for this sort of film.对于这种类型的电影而言,这样的观众人数是低于平均水平的。Streets in the town centre are wider than the average.市中心的街道比一般的要宽阔。We average six calls a day. 我们平均一天接听六个电话。His work has been above the average.他的工作表现一直高于平均水平。He's not your average salesman. 他可不是一般的销售人员。The average man doing hard physical work has the best record, from the point of view of heart disease.就心脏病而言,从事重体力劳动的普通男性罹患概率最低。Take all these temperatures and find the average temperature.把这些温度都测一下,并算出平均温度。He was slightly below average height and prematurely bald.他个头偏低,而且过早就谢顶了。They have an average-size front garden and a large rear garden.他们的前院中等大小,后院大。These golf clubs are for the professional rather than for the average player.这些高尔夫俱乐部是为职业球员而不是为一般玩家设立的。The average forensic psychiatrist doesn't shock easily.一般的法医精神病学家都见怪不怪了。On average, he goes twice a week.他平均一周去两次。The amount of snow this year has been below average.今年的降雪量低于平均水平。The austerity measures will have little immediate adverse effect on the average Moroccan.财政紧缩政策不会对普通的摩洛哥人产生直接的负面影响。There is a wide gap between men's and women's average earnings.男女的平均收入差距很大。The investment had a higher average return.这项投资有较高的平均回报。The school has an above-average academic rating.这所学校的学术评级在中等以上。They have the kind of luxuries the average working stiff can't afford.他们拥有的那些奢侈品是一般工薪阶层买不起的。The average attendance at sports events increased last year.去年现场观看体育赛事的平均人数有所增长。The figures are based upon average market prices.这些数字是基于平均市场价格而得出的。The average worker's long-term financial security will depend upon having a well-thought-out personal finance plan.普通工人的长期经济安全靠的是深思熟虑的个人金融计划。




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