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There are always objectionable people in whatever area you work.不论你在什么领域工作,总会碰到让人反感的人。What was most objectionable about her was her arrogance.她最可恶的地方是她很傲慢。She found his behavior objectionable.她觉得他的行为令人作呕。Such power is politically dangerous and morally objectionable.这样的权力在政治上极其危险,在道义上也令人反感。Interference with the selection process was objectionable.干涉选拔过程是不能让人接受的。They would not hesitate to point out anything they found objectionable.他们会毫不犹豫地指出他们觉得反感的一切。We reserve the right to eject without notice any objectionable person.我们对不受欢迎的人保留事先不予告知加以驱逐的权利。Some people find the taste of the water objectionable , but I think it's fine.有人发现这水的味道不对,但我认为没问题。It's his attitude that I find particularly objectionable.让我觉得特别讨厌的是他的态度。I'd never have employed him if I'd realized what an objectionable person he was.我要是知道他这人这么讨厌,就不会雇用他。Our goal is to get rid of many of the objectionable features of capitalism.我们的目标是要消除资本主义的许多弊病。Such power is politically dangerous and morally objectionable.这样的权力政治上危险,道德上也令人难以接受。He won't allow his children to watch television shows with objectionable language.他不允许孩子看带粗话的电视节目。This is objectionable to our young adults.这是我们已成年的年轻人所反对的。They saw nothing objectionable in his appearance.他们觉得他的外表没有什么不合适的。The book contains nothing objectionable or libellous.这本书不包含任何让人不愉快或诽谤性的内容。I thought the bedroom scenes were pretty objectionable and unnecessary.我认为那些床上戏很恶心,是多余的。 |