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词汇 Avenue
例句 The town has purchased a site on Villa Avenue for the new library.镇政府在别墅大道买下一块地建图书馆。We didn't have any money but we enjoyed window-shopping in Fifth Avenue.我们没有钱,但是也喜欢到第五大街逛逛。Myddleton Way was renamed Allende Avenue.米德尔顿路已改名为艾伦德大街。Bergdorf Goodman has opened a men's store on Fifth Avenue.波道夫·古德曼在第五大道上开了一家男装店。Back on Flatbush Avenue, Pong is busy restocking his shelves with cucumbers and coconuts.回到弗拉特布什大道上,庞正忙着往货架上补充黄瓜和椰子。She lives in a large house on Acacia Avenue.她住在阿凯舍街上的一幢大宅里。It is a first for New York. An outdoor exhibition of Fernando Botero's sculpture on Park Avenue.在公园大道上露天展出费尔南多·博特罗的雕塑,这在纽约还是破天荒的事。He watched her going toward West End Avenue.他看着她朝西端大街走去。The windows along 5th Avenue were all decorated for Christmas.第五大道沿街的橱窗全部装饰一新迎接圣诞节。She's renting an apartment in that newish building on Harrison Avenue.她在哈里森大道上那处挺新的大楼里租了一间公寓。They live somewhere down Park Avenue.他们住在帕克大道的另一头。It's no distance from here to Fifth Avenue. We can easily walk it.这儿离第五大街不远,走路很容易就到。Lily lives in a penthouse just off Park Avenue.莉莉住在公园大道附近的一套顶层豪华公寓里。The house is on West Boston Avenue, Detroit's most expensive residential area.这所房子位于底特律最昂贵的居住区,西波士顿大街。The penthouse apartment on Fifth Avenue was owned by the company.第五大街的顶层公寓以前归这家公司所有。The getaway car made off towards Horrocks Avenue.逃跑用的汽车往霍罗克斯大街方向开去。A military parade marched slowly and solemnly down Pennsylvania Avenue.阅兵队列沿宾夕法尼亚大道缓慢而庄严地行进。The hotels are full up, and the guests have had to go to this dinky little motel way out on Stewart Avenue.宾馆已经客满了,客人们不得不到斯图尔特街上这家偏远的小汽车旅馆里来。He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born.我出生的时候,他在埃杰顿大街我们家的园圃里挖了个坑,种了棵枫树。Currently, she is working on an apartment on Park Avenue for a swanky Manhattan lawyer.目前,她正在为一个好摆阔气的曼哈顿律师装修其位于公园大道的公寓。The traffic along Fitzjohn's Avenue was heavy.菲茨姜大道上的交通拥堵严重。Her company is in a suite of midtown offices overlooking Park Avenue.她的公司在市中心俯视公园大道的一栋办公楼的套间内。The house is on Pacific Avenue.那幢房子在太平洋大街。She grew up on Ledgelawn Avenue.她在莱杰劳恩大街长大。We waited at the intersection of Fulton Street and Gough Avenue for the lights to change.我们在富尔顿街和戈夫大街的十字路口等着绿灯亮起来。The Saint Patrick's Day marchers paraded up Fifth Avenue, past the cathedral.在圣帕特里克节那天,游行者一路经过第五大道,路过大教堂。The hotels are full up, and the guests have had to go to this dinky little motel way out on Stewart Avenue.宾馆已经客满了,客人们不得不到斯图尔特街上这家不起眼的小汽车旅馆里来。He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head.他沿着第五大道向前走,好让头脑清醒一下。Madison Avenue was the home of the advertising industry in New York City.麦迪逊大道是纽约市广告业的发源地。The traffic along Fitzjohn Avenue was particularly heavy.菲茨姜大道上的交通拥堵严重。I was robbed at knife point on the Seventh Avenue Subway.我在七号街地铁遭到持刀抢劫。New York's 5th Avenue纽约市第五大街The party leader said the street should be renamed Freedom Avenue.政党领导人说这条街道应该重新命名为自由大道。A military parade marched slowly up Pennsylvania Avenue.一支阅兵队列沿宾夕法尼亚大道缓慢地行进。The show took place outside the imposing Central Library building on Fifth Avenue.这场表演在位于第五大街上雄伟的中央图书馆大楼的外面举行。At the top of Randolph Avenue there was a barrow selling fruit and flowers.在伦道夫大街的起始处曾有辆卖水果和鲜花的流动售货车。Sixth Avenue in Manhattan曼哈顿第六大道。




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