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词汇 accumulated
例句 She has slowly accumulated a fortune.她慢慢积累起一笔财富。They've accumulated quite a body of evidence.他们已经积累了大量证据。Watkins said he has accumulated more than $100,000 in legal bills.沃特金斯积累了十多万美元的法定票据。A pool of water has accumulated on the ground from the boy's dripping clothes.男孩身上湿淋淋的衣服滴下来的水已在地上积成一摊。It was amazing how much gunge had accumulated in the pipe.管子里面竟然沉积了那么多黏糊糊令人恶心的东西,真是想不到。A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room.房间里积了厚厚一层灰尘。Disasters accumulated round his path.他人生的道路上灾难成堆。We've accumulated so much rubbish over the years.多年来我们已经堆积了这么多的垃圾。I accumulated a roomful of documents and tape recordings.我搜集了满屋子的文件和磁带录音。He had not taken a summer holiday that year but had accumulated the leave due him.那年暑假他没有休息,而是把他应有的假期都攒了起来。I put into boxes all the things I had accumulated over the years.我把多年来攒的东西都放进箱子里。During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.在成功的经商生涯中,她积累了巨额财富。Her cupboards were full of junk which she had accumulated over the years.她的橱柜里全是她积了多年的旧杂物。How much leave have you accumulated?你积了多少休假?Dust had accumulated during her absence.她不在时灰尘积了起来。She was sorting through the flotsam and jetsam that had accumulated on her desk.她在整理堆在书桌上的杂物。A large amount of debris has accumulated at the construction site.建筑工地上堆积起大量瓦砾。Sand had accumulated at the mouth of the river and formed a bank which boats could not pass.沙子聚集在河口,形成了一个沙洲,导致船只无法通过。Although some company has accumulated a large number of foreign debts, many people still do not think the solution to financial crisis lies in austerity.虽然有些国家已经欠了不少外债,不少人仍然认为紧缩开支不是解决财务危机的方法。Progress was made by the accumulated activities of large groups of innominate people.进展是由大批大批默默无闻的人们日积月累的活动经营所取得的。Over the years, I had accumulated hundreds of books.多年来我积累了几百本书。Dirt had accumulated in the corners of the windows.窗角积上了灰尘。Many of his original theories have gone by the board in recent years as new evidence has accumulated.近些年由于新的证据越来越多,他最初提出的那些理论有很多都被弃之不用了。Clean your face with soap to remove accumulated dirt and oil.用肥皂洗掉你脸上的积土和油污。




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