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词汇 nuclear weapons
例句 The two leaders have reached an outline agreement on controlling short range nuclear weapons.那两位领导人在短程核武器的限制上已经达成一个粗略的协议。They rejected a demand for the removal of all nuclear weapons from UK soil.他们拒绝了将所有核武器从英国国土上撤除的要求。The declaration deals with disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.该声明涉及裁减军备和防止核武器扩散问题。The US says it is prepared to launch a pre-emptive strike with nuclear weapons if it is threatened.美国称已作好准备,一旦受到威胁,会以核武器实施先发制人的打击。Several countries have developed nuclear weapons secretly.一些国家已经秘密研制出核武器。We deplore the development of nuclear weapons.我们强烈反对发展核武器。All the talk had been about the limitation of nuclear weapons.谈话都是围绕着限制核武器进行的。The end of the cold war helped create a situation in which more countries than ever have access to nuclear weapons.冷战的结束产生了一种局面,就是和以往相比,更多国家获得了核武器。The amount of money spent on nuclear weapons is shocking.花在核武器上的金额令人感到震惊。Officials are concerned about rogue regimes that may have nuclear weapons.官员们对可能拥有核武器的无赖政权感到担心。There are also protocols on the testing of nuclear weapons.也有关于核武器试验的协议。The Official Secrets Act was described as a piece of portmanteau legislation, covering everything from nuclear weapons to army boots.《官方保密法》被描述为一个内容庞杂的立法,涵盖了从核武器到军靴的一切东西。The party's position on nuclear weapons is deeply ambivalent.该党在核武器上的立场极为矛盾。The goal of the treaty is to reduce the number of nuclear weapons globally.这个条约的目的是要减少全世界的核武器数量。Tactical nuclear weapons have shorter ranges.战术核武器射程更短。In a recent opinion poll, a majority of respondents were against nuclear weapons.在最近的一次民意调查中,大多数调查对象表示反对发展核武器。The incident raised concerns about the safety and security of nuclear weapons being transported through Europe.这起事件使人们关注到经欧洲运输的核武器的安全和保安问题。He was passionately against nuclear weapons.他强烈反对核武器。Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?核武器真的可以减小战争爆发的危险吗?They were arguing about the deterrent effect of nuclear weapons.他们在争论核武器的威慑效果。The government has backed away from its nuclear weapons strategy.政府已经放弃核武器战略。It is unclear whether the country has the capability to produce nuclear weapons.该国是不是有能力制造核武器尚不清楚。New Zealand has banned vessels carrying nuclear weapons.新西兰已经禁止运载核武器的船只入境。Hundreds of nuclear weapons have been scrapped.数百件核武器已被销毁。At least eight countries are known to have operational nuclear weapons.已知至少有八个国家拥有作战核武器。You can't simply wave a wand and get rid of nuclear weapons.不要以为魔杖一挥便能消除核武器。The country is frighteningly close to possessing nuclear weapons.这个国家离拥有核武器只有一步之遥,这令人不寒而栗。We look forward to the day when nuclear weapons will no longer exist.我们期盼着核武器不复存在的那一天。We can't ignore the threat posed by nuclear weapons.我们不能忽视核武器的威胁。He is unlikely to countenance the use of nuclear weapons.他不太可能赞同使用核武器。We deplore the use of nuclear weapons.我们强烈反对使用核武器。He argued that nuclear weapons were a political necessity.他认为核武器在政治上是必需的。All countries must allow international inspection of their nuclear weapons sites.所有国家都必须接受对其核武器基地进行的国际核查。The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether.远期目标必须是将核武器尽数销毁。The nuclear weapons are targeted on Western Europe.这些核武器对准了西欧。So does the work of negotiating with North Korea on its nuclear weapons.让北朝鲜弃核谈判也是如此。The distinction between tactical nuclear weapons and strategic nuclear weapons is almost entirely one of use.战术核武器和战略核武器的区别几乎仅在于用途不同。The number of nations that possess nuclear weapons has risen.拥有核武器的国家数量增多了。The invention of nuclear weapons marked an epoch in the history of warfare.核武器的发明标志着战争史上的一个新时代。He campaigned for peace and against the spread of nuclear weapons.他为裁军运动和反对核武器扩散而奔走。




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