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词汇 not just
例句 You're not just going to let her say those things about you without fighting back, are you?她那样说你,你不会就此算了吧?I don't think it's such a great job - and that's not just sour grapes because I didn't get it.我认为这份工作不怎么样——我可不是因为吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸。It's not just gang members that cause trouble, it's middle- and upper-class kids too.制造麻烦的不仅有帮派成员,还有中产阶级和上流社会的孩子。It's not just a common-or-garden phone!这可不是一部普通的电话!It is not just a little trick you can pick up in half an hour.这不是你半个小时就能学会的小窍门。Mrs Henessy was at pains to say that she was fighting for a principle, not just for financial compensation.赫尼斯太太费力地解释说她是在为原则而争取,而不单是为了经济补偿。Let's not just dismiss the idea before we've even thought about it.我们还是别不假思索就把这种想法排除在外。It was not just the weather that oppressed her.让她感到压抑的并不仅是天气。Incontinence is not just a condition of old age.大小便失禁不仅仅是一种老年病。It's not just talk. I'm serious about moving out.这事不是说说而已,我真的要搬出去。I wanted to write something thoughtful, not just leap in with my gut reaction.我想写一些有深度的东西来,而不仅仅凭直觉反应就仓促行事。These changes are being made for a good reason. They're not just window dressing.这些改变事出有因,并不是摆样子给人看的。Improved childcare facilities would benefit both sexes, not just women.改善儿童保育设施对男女都会有好处,不仅仅是女性受益。It is not just politically expedient, but right in principle.这不仅是政治上的权益之举,而且原则上也是正确的。Some people think that chess is a science, not just a game.一些人认为西洋棋不仅是一种游戏而是一门科学。The equipment was not just modern but revolutionary.这设备不只是现代化的而且是完全创新的。Communication of whatever sort involves not just a speaker but a hearer too.不管什么形式的交流,都不仅涉及讲话者,还涉及听者。This could be not just the trip of a lifetime but the experience of a lifetime.这可能不仅是一趟终生难遇的旅行,也将是一次终生难遇的体验。He lied to the court not just once, but on several occasions.他在法庭上撒谎不止一次,而是好多次了。He did not just launch a company, he energized an industry.他不单单是开办了一家公司,而且搞活了整个行业。I always go over my notes just before I go into an exam.我在参加考试前总是会把复习笔记重温一遍。She's not just a dumb blonde.她不是那种只有容貌没有头脑的金发女郎。He brought to the job not just considerable experience but passionate enthusiasm.他不仅给这一工作带来了不少经验,而且倾注了极大的热情。What is going on is not just war, it is genocide.正在发生的不只是战争,而且是种族大屠杀。Glenda is not just fat, she's obese.格伦达不单是胖了,她是胖得臃肿。This is not just your common-or-garden nightclub.这可不只是你去过的普通夜总会。We're not just a lot of old biddies going on about jam.我们不只是一大群唠唠叨叨地谈论果酱的老太婆。Cost must be controlled, not just on the shop floor but in the boardroom too.必须要控制成本,不仅仅是工人方面,董事会方面也要控制。It's not just that a gulf exists in living standards — there's a psychological ravine.不仅仅是生活水平上存在巨大差异,心理上也有鸿沟。The handles are not just for decoration , they serve a practical purpose.这些手柄不只是用于装饰,它们有实际的用途。It's not just a financial matter.这不仅仅是资金的问题。Eating disorders affect people of both sexes, not just girls.进食障碍在两种性别身上都有可能发生,而不仅仅是女孩。Bad driving is not just the preserve of boy racers.不良驾驶不仅仅是飙车小子们才会做的事。He is a doer, not just a thinker or a talker.他不只是思考或谈论,而且还动手实干。He does actually play his guitar – it's not just for show.他是真弹吉他,不是装样子。I'm not just asking for the sake of it. I need an answer.我不是为问而问,我需要一个答案。It's not just a possibility, it's a probability.这不只是可能发生,而是很可能发生。Completing the race is not just a simple matter of physical fitness.跑完全程不仅仅是纯粹的体力问题。Fangirls love shows not just for their good qualities but for the opportunities they provide to engage emotionally with what's on the screen.这些节目的年轻女性狂热爱好者喜欢的不仅仅是节目的高质量,也是因为这些节目为她们提供了与屏幕内容感情互动的机会。Be careful she's not just using you.当心她不只是在利用你。




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