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词汇 note
例句 The film ends on a positive note.电影的结局轻松愉快。Nancy looked at the note angrily, then crumpled it up and threw it in a nearby wastepaper basket.南希愤怒地看了看那张便条,把它狠狠地揉成一团扔进了旁边的废纸篓里。There was a note. Well, not really a note.那儿有张便条,其实也不算是便条。The singer hit a wrong note.这个歌手跑调了。Visitors should note that the tower is not open to the public.参观者应该注意,塔楼不对公众开放。He sidled up to me and slipped me a note.他悄悄靠近我,递给我一张纸条。The note was written in blue ink.这张便条是用蓝墨水写的。Let's try to end our conversation on a lighter/happier note.让我们试着在轻松/愉快的气氛中结束谈话。There's a triumphant note in his gravelly voice.他低沉沙哑的声音中透露出一丝洋洋得意。He sent her a note of congratulation on her election victory.他发去贺信,祝贺她选举获胜。There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business.他回忆早些年的家族生意时,无疑是带着一种怀旧的语气的。The day I got back, I found a note on my desk.我回家的那天发现书桌上有张字条。If you are out sick for more than one week, you will need a note from your doctor.如果你因病缺勤超过一周,你得有医生开具的病假证明。This is a short note to say thank you.这是一封简短的致谢信。Andrew scribbled a quick note and handed it to the chairman.安德鲁匆匆地写了一张便条交给主席。Robert had slipped her a note in school.罗伯特在学校里偷偷地塞给她一张纸条。I perceived a note of unhappiness in her voice.我从她的声音中觉察出一丝不快。His writing displays the note of scholarship.他的作品显得很有学术水平。There was a note of caution for the Treasury in the figures.统计数字向财政部亮出了警告。The party ended on a high note. 聚会在欢乐的气氛中结束。Police are trying to make sense of a bizarre note left by the murderer.警方正试图弄懂凶手留下的一张奇怪的字条。You should make a mental note to yourself.你应该自己记在脑子里。According to the sleeve note, she recorded all the songs at home in her attic.根据唱片封套上的说明,所有的歌曲都是她在家里阁楼上录制的。She slipped a note underneath the door.她从门下面塞进一个纸条。Her speech was written in outline on note cards.她演讲的主要内容概括地写在了摘记卡片上。She wrote a polite little note to Miss Henry, thanking her for her kindness.她写了张礼貌的便条给亨利小姐,感谢她的好心。A note of discord surfaced during the leaders' meeting.领导人会议期间浮现出不和之音。Remember to send a thank-you note to the host of the party.记住要给主办聚会的人送上表示感谢的短笺。There was a note of hysteria in her voice.她的声音有些歇斯底里。The minister was not put out by the note of impatience in Cohen's voice.科恩的语气有点不耐烦,但部长并没有介意。Drop me a note when you get there.你到了那里就写封短信给我。She made a mental note to have his prescription refilled.她记着要拿他的处方再配一回药。As he came in, I made a mental note of where he put the keys.他进来时我记住了他放钥匙的地方。She made a mental note to call them in the morning.她心里记下要在早晨给他们打电话。She wrote a note to remind herself about the appointment.她写了张纸条提醒自己有个约会。When the people speak with such passion, politicians should take note.当有人带着这样的激情说话时,政治家们就应该注意了。His mother wrote him a note to get him out of football practice.他母亲给他写了个条子,让他逃掉足球训练课。I managed to leave a hastily scribbled note for John.我匆匆忙忙地给约翰留了一个潦草的字条。Never write your password on a sticky note!千万不要将密码写到便利贴上!This is just a brief note to say how much I enjoyed your party.仅以此短笺表达我非常喜欢你的派对。




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