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The rationale behind the changes is not at all evident.这些变革的依据根本不是一目了然的。My parents were not at all pleased with my exam results.父母对我的考试成绩一点也不满意。I'm not at all satisfied with the present situation.我对目前的情况一点都不满意。The findings of the survey puzzle me - they're not at all what I would have expected.调查的结果使我感到迷惑——它们根本不像我原本预料的那样。The comments he made were not at all appropriate.他的评论一点儿都不恰当。She's not at all like her sister.她和她姐姐长得一点都不像。The changes were not at all surprising.那些变化根本不令人吃惊。That is not at all likely.那根本不可能。She's not at all happy about the situation.她对这个情况一点也不满意。The film should be shown in its entirety or not at all.电影应该完整放映,要不就干脆一点都不放。It's not at all unusual to feel very tired in the early months of pregnancy.怀孕头几个月觉得非常疲劳很正常。I'm convinced he's a mutant - he's not at all like the rest of our family!我觉得他真是个异类——他一点儿也不像我们家的其他人!It is not at all certain that Christopher Columbus was the first European to discover America.克里斯托弗·哥伦布是不是第一个发现美洲的欧洲人,这根本不能肯定。It's not at all uncommon for older men to kick up their heels and run off with younger women.老男人放纵自己和年轻姑娘私奔并不罕见。And trust me not at all or all in all.要么一点也不相信我,要么完全相信我。They are not at all happy about the rise in taxes.他们对增税一点都不开心。He was shy and unassuming and not at all how you expect an actor to be.他腼腆低调,一点儿也不像你想象中的演员的样子。He read your new book and said it was wholesome and not at all offensive.他看了你写的新书,说内容很健康,没有任何令人反感之处。The building is grey, formidable, not at all picturesque.那幢建筑物呈灰色,外观吓人,一点都不美。I'm not at all happy about it.我对此一点都不满意。That's not at all the thing to do.那样做很不恰当。There's no doubt women found him charming. It must have been his patter because he's certainly not at all good-looking.女人们无疑会觉得他很迷人。这肯定是因为他的顺口溜,因为他长得一点儿都不好看。Her grief over her child's death was not at all relieved by the lapse of time.时间的推移并未减轻她的失子之痛。The houses are not at all comparable in size.这些房子的大小毫不相同。She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem.她丝毫也没有被问题的严重性吓住。I was not at all amused to find they had eaten all the cake.发现他们把蛋糕全吃光了,我一点儿也不觉得好笑。She seemed surprised and not at all pleased to see him.看到他,她似乎吃了一惊,而且一点儿也不高兴。This chair is not at all comfortable.这把椅子一点都不舒服。His optimism was not at all adumbrated by difficulties.困难丝毫不影响他的乐观精神。He was not at all like a dog with two tails.他丝毫没有得意忘形。I felt like death warmed up and was not at all in the mood for fun.我感觉很不舒服,一点儿都没心思玩儿。He's not conventionally attractive, but he has an interesting face that is not at all unpleasant to look at.从传统意义上来说,他并不英俊,但是他那张有趣的脸看上去一点不讨人厌。When they cheat at cards, I'm not at all surprised; they're just acting true to type.他们打牌作弊的话,我一点也不会感到意外,因为这种行为合乎他们的本性。It's not at all what you think it is. It's something else entirely.根本不是你想象的那样。这完全是另一回事。Apparently the girls are not at all amused by the whole business.据说女孩们觉得整件事情一点也不好笑。She's a vegetarian, but she's not at all self-righteous about it.她是个素食者,但她对此一点都没有自以为是。The hotel was terrible, and not at all what we had been led to expect.旅馆很差,根本不是我们所听信的那样。She's very shy - not at all like her sister.她很害羞,一点也不像她妹妹。She is not at all domesticated.她一点不爱做家务。Lean hard-training women athletes may menstruate less frequently or not at all.瘦小且训练刻苦的女运动员或许会经常少经或闭经。 |