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词汇 nose
例句 The dog nudged the ball with his nose.狗用鼻子轻轻碰了碰球。She had plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose.她做了整容手术来改变鼻子的形状。He has a freakishly large nose.他的鼻子奇大无比。The man socked the cheat in the nose.那男子用拳头狠揍骗子的鼻子。She can't keep her nose out of other people's business.她总是喜欢多管闲事。Julia blows her nose, but her sobbing goes on uncontrolled.朱莉娅擤了擤鼻子,不过她还是不停地啜泣。She twitched her nose like a rabbit.她像兔子一样抽动了一下鼻子。The nose forward of the firewall was cowled with aluminium panels.防火墙的前段突起罩上了铝板做的通风帽。A cold usually starts with a streaming nose.感冒通常是从流鼻涕开始的。Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.用鼻子吸气,用嘴呼气。His nose has been a bit out of joint ever since Marion got here.自从玛丽昂来这儿以后他的鼻子都快气歪了。John's nose was really put out of joint when Jane was promoted and he wasn't.简得到提升而约翰却没有,他为此鼻子都气歪了。Why did you have to stick your nose in?你为什么非要插手?If you use this nasal spray, your nose should clear.用了这种鼻腔喷剂,你的鼻塞就会好一点。She has inherited her father's large nose, which is very unfortunate.她遗传了父亲的大鼻子,真是太不幸了。When she laughs, she crinkles her perfectly-formed nose.她一笑,俊俏的鼻子就会皱起来。A blow on the nose brought the water into his eyes.鼻子上挨了一击使他眼泪直流。As the smell of garbage drifted through the air, she wrinkled her nose in disgust.空气中弥散着垃圾的味道,她厌恶地皱起了鼻子。The sharp nose and thin lips gave his face a very harsh look.他的尖鼻子和薄嘴唇使他的模样看起来很严厉。He hit me plumb on the nose.他正好打在我的鼻子上。His nose is stopped up with a cold.他因感冒鼻子塞住了。My nose is itching.我鼻子痒。She buried her nose in the fragrant, velvety petals.她把鼻子埋进柔软光滑的、带有芳香的花瓣里。My nose started to tickle.我的鼻子开始发痒。With my free hand, I bloodied his nose.我腾出手将他揍得鼻子流血。The dog's nose is squarish.这只狗长了个方鼻子。It's not a great job, but if you keep your nose clean, you should be promoted by the end of the year.这不算是什么好工作,但只要你老老实实地干下去,到年底应该就会得到提升。They turned up their nose at our offer. 他们拒绝了我们的提议。A nasal/nose spray should help you breathe better.喷一下鼻喷剂有助于呼吸通畅。These glasses keep slipping down my nose.这副眼镜老是从我鼻梁上滑下来。Bubbles from the champagne were tickling her nose.香槟酒溢出的泡沫让她的鼻子发痒。Edgar, don't pick your nose.埃德加,不要抠鼻子了。She crinkled up her nose in disgust.她厌恶地皱起鼻子。He has this irritating mannerism of constantly scratching his nose.他老是挠鼻子,这个习惯真让人不舒服。My nose was bright red and my ears were burning from the cold.我被冻得鼻子通红,耳朵生疼。I've never had plastic surgery, though people always think I've had a nose job.虽然人们一直以为我做过鼻子整形术,其实我从没做过。You wanted to gloat and rub somebody's nose in it.你想要幸灾乐祸,揭别人的疮疤。She pushed her spectacles further up her nose and sighed.她把眼镜又往鼻子上推了推,叹了口气。Amanda sniffed and wiped her nose.阿曼达哧哧地抽了抽鼻子,然后又抹了一下。He breathed noisily through his nose.他鼻子发出很重的呼吸声。




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