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词汇 north of
例句 The general had mustered his troops north of the Hindu Kush.将军在兴都库什山脉以北集结军队。The Lake District begins just north of Kendal.湖区始于肯德尔北部。Her house is two hours north of here.她家从这里往北有两小时的路程。The cotton fields to the north of the road were an expanse of shimmering white.道路以北的棉田是耀眼的白茫茫的一片。The two roads meet just north of Flagstaff.这两条路就在弗拉格斯塔夫以北不远处会合。The industrial north of the country felt the full impact of the recession.这个国家北部的工业区感受到了经济衰退的全面冲击。The factory will be built at a site to the north of the city.工厂会建在城北的一块地皮上。Chicago is four hours north of Indianapolis.芝加哥位于印第安纳波利斯以北四小时路程处。We would both prefer to live in the north of England, but there aren't many jobs there.我们两人都宁愿住在英格兰北部地区,但那里就业机会不是很多。The two roads meet north of Goodman.这两条路在古德曼以北相交。There have been more reports of bomb outrages in the north of the country.关于那个国家北部炸弹暴行的报道更多了。Canada lies to the north of America.加拿大在美国以北。She left her village in the north of Thailand and went to live in Bangkok.她离开了泰国北部自己原来的村庄到曼谷去生活。The lake is due north of the city.这个湖位于城市的正北。Troops were redeploying north of the township.部队正在镇北重新部署。The Japanese are thought to be descended from tribes from the north of China.人们认为日本人是中国北方部落的后裔。Some open spaces north of the city will be made into sports fields for leisure activities.城市北面的一些空地将改建成运动场,用于休闲活动。The army controls the north of the country.军队控制着该国的北部。He regarded the north of the country as a separate cultural entity.他把这个国家的北部地区视为一个独立的文化实体。The boat was hit by a squall north of the island.船在岛的北边遇到了狂飑。Government troops were taking a battering in the north of the country.政府军在该国北部遭受重创。He was born in Yamagata prefecture, north of Tokyo.他出生在东京以北的山形县。The cabins are north of the lake.小屋位于湖的北面。The main railway line passes just north of Manchester.那条铁路干线经过曼彻斯特北面不远处。Clifford is enjoying life north of the border.克利福德正在边境北部自在地生活。Our farm is a few miles north of the village.我们的农场位于村庄以北几英里处。We went around by the wood to the north of the field.我们绕过林子到了场地的北面。The musicians now plan to head to the far north of Queensland as part of the festival circuit.作为节日巡演的一部分,音乐家们现在正准备前往昆士兰州北部的偏远之地。Canada is north of the United States.加拿大在美国的北面。McCreery established his headquarters at Treviso, just north of Venice.麦克里里把自己的司令部设在威尼斯正北面的特雷维索。Heavy industry was concentrated in the north of the country.重工业集中在该国的北部。It's a few miles north of here.就在北边,离这儿几英里处。The two rivers meet just north of the town.两条河正好在该镇的北面交汇。They have three stores in the north of the country.他们在该国北部地区有三家商店。The mountains formed an arc around the north of the city.山脉沿城市北部形成一个弧形。The party's power base is in the industrial north of the country.该政党的权力基础在该国北部的工业区。There was an electricity blackout in the north of the country.该国北部地区暂时停电。Her house is two doors to the north of us.她家在我们家北边,隔着两间门面。I've spent a lot of time walking around Britain from the far north of Scotland down to Cornwall.我花了很长时间在英国徒步漫游,从苏格兰的最北端一直走到康沃尔。The invading troops have pushed further into the north of the country.入侵军队已深入到了该国北部。




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