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词汇 nonsense
例句 What's the meaning of this infernal nonsense?这讨厌的荒唐念头有什么意义?I think that a lot of poetry published today is obscurantist nonsense.我认为当今出版的很多诗歌都是故弄玄虚的无病呻吟。He dismissed the rumours as `arrant nonsense'.他把那些传闻斥为“一派胡言”。How could you believe such nonsense?你怎么能相信这样的鬼话?What a bunch of nonsense!真是胡说八道!Surely it is an economic nonsense to deplete the world of natural resources.耗尽世界的自然资源毋庸置疑是愚蠢的经济行为。What's all this nonsense about you giving up your job?这些关于你要辞职的胡扯到底是怎么回事?A girl's place is in the home, not gallivanting around and filling her head with nonsense.女孩子就该在家呆着,不能四处闲逛,成天胡思乱想。The raincoats are classic, without any nonsense.雨衣式样传统简约,没有什么无用的装饰品。Let's stop that nonsense right now.我们别再胡闹了。So you believe the nonsense about ghosts?那么你相信有关鬼神的胡说八道啰?Don't listen to him. He's talking nonsense.别听他的。他在胡说八道。It is a nonsense to say we have untrained staff dealing with emergencies.说我们派未受过培训的员工来处理紧急事故简直是胡说八道。Don't talk nonsense, my dear man.别胡说八道了,亲爱的老兄。If they start pushing each other or some such nonsense, send them to their rooms.如果他们出现互相推挤等此类令人讨厌的行为,就让他们回到房间。That is utter nonsense.那完全是胡说八道。That's nonsense. Don't be silly.胡说八道,别犯傻了。His response was full of pretentious nonsense.他的回答满是狂妄的废话。This is rank nonsense.这是十足的胡说八道。Is it just me or was she talking nonsense in the meeting?只有我这么觉得,还是她确实在会上胡说八道?She talks a lot of nonsense.她总是胡说八道。The play was nonsense from beginning to end.这部戏剧从头到尾都是废话。If you continue with such nonsense, I'm leaving.如果你再这样胡说八道,我这就走。It's hard to believe anyone would try to pass this nonsense off as literature.很难相信有什么人会试图把这种毫无意义的文章当作文学。You can wreck the computer program by typing in nonsense.输入一些无意义的字符会使计算机程序崩溃。It is nonsense to say that we should ban the use of dogs for hunting foxes.说我们应该禁止驱狗猎狐,真是一派胡言。She thinks that astrology is nonsense.她认为占星术很荒唐。What absolute nonsense.荒谬至极。He had been unwittingly deluded by their mystical nonsense.他不知不觉中被他们故弄玄虚的鬼话给骗了。She said she was too busy or some such nonsense. 她说她太忙了或者其他类似的胡话。It is nonsense to say that mistakes are never made.从来不犯错误这种说法真荒唐。It's perfectly simple and understandable. You needn't dress it up with all this nonsense.事情非常简单易懂,你不必用这些废话去修饰它。Computer programs look like complete nonsense to me.对我来说,计算机程序就好像是天书。Most doctors dismiss this as complete nonsense.大多数医生认为其荒谬至极。She had a hearing. But everyone thought she was talking nonsense.她有过一次申诉的机会,但是人们都觉得她是在胡说八道。Let's cut the nonsense and get down to business.咱们别胡扯了,开始干正事吧。You're speaking nonsense, you old bat.你胡说,你这个老太婆。I'm not having any of that nonsense.我不想听那些废话。For a while the artist completely lost his way. The famous humour gave way to sentimental nonsense.有一段时间这位表演艺术家完全迷失了方向。他没有了其出了名的风趣幽默,取而代之的是伤春悲秋的无聊情感。I think it's absolute nonsense.我认为这是一派胡言。




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