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词汇 no difference
例句 Dollars make no difference to him.钱对他不起作用。There is no difference between the sexes.男女之间没有差别。We had terrible rows, but it made no difference.我们有过激烈的争吵,但这没有什么影响。It makes no difference whether dividends are paid quarterly or annually.红利按季发放还是按年发放没有什么差别。It makes no difference to us whether he resigns or not.他辞职与否对我们没有影响。It makes no difference if you're a woman or a man.你是男是女没有什么关系。Give what excuses you will—it makes no difference. 无论你有什么借口都无济于事。Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me.下不下雨对我来说都一样。It makes no difference whether he sleeps or wakes.他睡着醒着关系不大。It makes no difference to my feelings for you.这不会使我对你的感情有什么改变。Even if she had known he was lying it would have made no difference.就算她知道他在撒谎,那也不会怎么样。It makes no difference to me whether you go or not.你去不去对我都一样。For all practical purposes there is no difference between them.实际上两者之间并没有什么区别。There's no difference in substance between the two points of view.这两种观点事实上没有差别。There's no difference between the two houses. They look exactly the same.这两栋房子没什么不同,它们看上去一模一样。Research revealed that age makes no difference.研究表明,年龄没有任何关系。It makes no difference to me if you want to go.要是你想去的话,我无所谓。Honestly, it makes no difference to me where we have the wedding.说实在的,在哪里举行婚礼我无所谓。Mamet says it makes no difference to him what a movie costs, as long as it's a good movie.马梅特说电影票多少钱一张他不在乎,只要好看就行。Anybody can enjoy yoga, and your age makes absolutely no difference.任何人都可以享受瑜伽的乐趣,绝不会受年龄的影响。It makes no difference what we say. She's going to do what she wants anyway.我们说什么都不管用。她就是准备一意孤行。There was no difference between the twin sisters except in height.那对孪生姐妹除了身高不一样外其他没有什么差别。In the normal course of events, this would have made no difference, but because of the heightened security, it caused a major problem.在正常情况下,这不会有任何影响;但是因为安保力度加强了,它引起了一个大问题。Morning or afternoon. It makes no difference to me.对我来说上午或下午都没关系。His urgent pleas of innocence made no difference to the judge's decision.他一再申辩自己无罪,却无法改变法官的判决。They are the same height, or as near as makes no difference.他们俩一样高,简直就没有什么两样。




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