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词汇 next week
例句 Let's get together for lunch next week to touch base.咱们下周一起吃午餐,聊聊近况吧。They are having the furniture delivered next week.他们的家具下星期就会送到。The next week, Phillida volunteered that they were getting on better.第二周,菲莉达主动说他们相处得好些了。Perhaps we can fix up a meeting for next week.也许我们下周可以安排一次会议。The students will be busy taking midterms next week.下周,学生们要忙着期中考试了。He formally assumes the presidency next week.他下周正式就任总统。We shall have to put the meeting ahead because of the holiday next week.我们得把会期提前,因为下星期有一个假日。I'll be away on a training course next week.下星期我要外出参加一个培训班。The new tax regulations come into force next week.新的纳税法规下周开始生效。We are having a bit of a party next week.下星期我们准备请几位客人小聚一次。They're sending the results next week, so I won't know anything until then.他们下周把结果送来,所以这以前我什么都不会知道。For the next week I shall be up to the eyes in marking examination papers.下星期我将忙于批阅考卷。The money could be paid as early as next week.钱款最早可以在下周支付。He will speak to us next week.下星期他将给我们做讲演。Liz won't be at work next week - she's having a well-earned rest.莉兹下周不会来上班——她要休息一下,这是应该的。Let's plan a big night next week.我们下周组织一次盛大的晚会吧。Give me a bell sometime next week, won't you?下星期给我打电话好吗?We look forward to a continuation of the talks next week.我们都盼望下周能继续会谈。The schools break up next week.学校下周放假。Bristol will play against Coventry next week.下周布里斯托队将迎战考文垂队。The case is expected to end late next week.预计本案件将在下周末结案。They're going to Crete next week.他们下周要去克里特岛。A new code of conduct for civil servants will be issued next week.下周将公布新的公务员行为规范。Your suggestion goes before the board of directors next week.你的建议定在下星期提交董事会审议。Dior will launch its spring collection next week.迪奥将于下周推出它的春季时装。I'm having my car repaired next week.我下个星期要去修车。They put back the game until next week.他们把比赛推迟到了下周。I'm trying to arrange my work so that I can have a couple of days off next week.我正设法把工作安排好,以便下周能够休息两天。She is being honored at a testimonial dinner next week.下周她将在表彰宴上受到表彰。The club is holding a golf clinic next week, where golfers can get advice from the pros.俱乐部下周开办高尔夫球讲习班,高尔夫球员可向职业球员请教。The party will definitely be next week.聚会肯定会在下周举行。World leaders will meet next week for their annual economic summit.世界各国领导人将在下周齐聚一堂,参加一年一度的经济峰会。The geography paper is not till next week.地理试卷下周才能印好。My sister and brother-in-law are coming to visit next week.我妹妹和妹夫下周要来访。The shop in the High Street is having a sale of knitwear next week.下周商业街的商店要举行针织服装特卖会。We will contact you, in all probability, next week.我们很可能会在下周会联系你。As you all will know, election day is next week.你们可能都知道了,选举定在下星期。Anyway, as I said, I'll be away next week.好了,我说过了,我下周就要离开了。We'll start cutting and harvesting the wheat next week.我们下周开始收割小麦。I'll be seeing him early next week.下周初我会见到他。




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