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词汇 needy
例句 The agency doles out food to thousands of needy families each year.这个机构每年都给成千上万户贫困家庭发放食物。The supermarket donated a year's supply of groceries to one needy family.超级市场捐赠了足够一个困难家庭使用一年的日用品。More aid should be given to needy families.应当给贫困家庭更多援助。The proceeds from the sale go to help needy people in the area.此次义卖的收入用来帮助该地区的穷人。The fund was established to help needy widows whose husbands had died in the war.这项基金建立的目的是帮助那些丈夫在战争中阵亡的贫困寡妇。They collected money to help needy children.他们集资帮助贫穷的孩子。The mission of the church is to extend mercy to the needy.教会的使命就是对贫困的人施以慈悲。Beverly is a neurotic, needy New York journalist who lives her life through her son.贝弗利在纽约当记者,性格神经兮兮,缺乏安全感,儿子就是她生活的支撑。Let us pray for those who are not so fortunate as ourselves - the sick, the old, and the needy.让我们为那些比我们不幸的病弱者、老人和穷人祈祷吧。As a child, she was extremely needy and had no self-confidence.她小的时候,缺乏自信,极其需要关怀。The church program provides food and clothing for the needy.这项教会计划为穷人提供食物和衣服。Sickness or ill fortune could reduce you to a needy situation.疾病或厄运会让你变得穷困潦倒。The charity supports needy families.这家慈善机构资助贫困家庭。My uncle carpentered a table and a few stools for his needy neighbor.我叔父给他穷困的邻居做了一张桌子和几只凳子。The organization has proved to be a lifeline for thousands of needy families.这个机构是数以千计贫困家庭赖以生存的命脉。There will be efforts to get larger amounts of food to the needy.将努力为贫困者筹措更多的食品。We are in duty bound to help the needy.帮助贫困者我们义不容辞。Sybil was very insecure and needy.西比尔很没有安全感,很需要别人的关怀。We distribute the book to charities, and those organizations in turn give the books to needy children.我们把书分配给慈善机构,慈善机构再把书转送给需要的儿童。There are problems getting food and money to the needy.把钱和食物送到穷人手中还有些困难。It was fairly common in Victorian times for middle-class women to work among the needy in the big industrial cities.维多利亚时代,大工业城市中的中产阶级女性在穷人中间工作相当普遍。He deemed that it was his duty to help the needy.他认为帮助穷人是他的责任。The church has inspired countless compassionate men and women to help the needy in times of famine, war, and plague.在饥荒、战争和发生瘟疫的时期,教会动员了无数有同情心的男男女女来帮助需要的人。The group collects food and clothing for distribution to needy families.这个组织募集食品和衣物以便分发给贫困家庭。Silber says the tax rollback would decimate basic services for the needy.西尔伯说税收的回落可能会大大减少为贫困人口提供的基本服务。Our church collected food for the needy.我们的教堂为穷人筹集食物。The organization distributes food and clothing to needy families.这个机构向贫困家庭分发食品和衣服。




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