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词汇 needs
例句 We have now met most of the humanitarian needs of the refugees.我们现在已经满足了难民的大部分人道主义需要。He needs the information for an article he's writing.他在写一篇文章,需要这些资料。A growing boy needs his food.正长身体的男孩需要吃饱。There needs to be better coordination between departments.部门之间需要更好的协作。What this country really needs is a change of government.这个国家真正需要的是政府改头换面。Before a woman can have an abortion, she needs to have written consent from two doctors.妇女堕胎之前需要有两名医生的书面同意。The work needs to be finished by this afternoon. Is that clear?这项工作要在今天下午完成。清楚了吗?Market orientation emphasizes the needs of the customer.市场定位强调顾客的需要。If anybody needs more information, come and see me after class.如果有谁需要更多资料,下课后来找我。The soup needs more seasoning.汤里需要再加些作料。A woman's skin needs a large amount of collagen to maintain its elasticity.女人的肌肤需要大量的胶原来维持它的弹性。He needs to shake up the whole team.他需要鼓舞整个团队的士气。The car is roomy and a good choice for anyone who needs to carry equipment.这种车非常宽敞,对于需要携带装备的人来说是不错的选择。An ice rink needs to be completely flat.溜冰场地必须十分平坦。The hospital obviously needs to balance the budget each year.这家医院显然每年都要平衡预算。Now he needs only two credit hours to graduate.现在他只要再修两个学分时就能毕业了。The money they earned did not even cover their most basic needs.他们挣的钱甚至不够支付最基本的需求开支。The baby needs a lot of care.这婴孩需要精心照料。The metal structure is corroding badly and needs to be replaced.金属架子腐蚀得很厉害,需要进行更换。The wastefulness needs tackling before the taxpayer is milked any further.必须制止铺张浪费,以免纳税人受到更多盘剥。Her needs went unmet for years.她的需求多年来未能得到满足。That needs a good mix.那需要好好搅拌一下。Sue can't take a holiday yet, though heaven knows she needs a rest.休还不能休假,虽然她的确需要休息一下了。Her income suffices for her needs.她的收入足够她用。Food, clothing, and shelter are things that every person needs.食物、衣服和住所是每个人的必需品。Europe needs large-scale immigration to sustain its ageing population.欧洲需要大规模的移民来缓解人口的老龄化。The whole system needs reordering.整个系统需要重新调整。He's very sick. He needs medication.他病得很厉害,需要药物治疗。The gate needs to be mended so it closes properly.大门需要修理一下,这样才好关。A surgeon needs a good eye and a steady hand.外科医生的眼要尖,手要稳。People's basic needs must be met.人们的基本需求必须要满足。The kettle needs a new element.电水壶该换新的电热丝了。Most of the time Jenny needs informal clothes.大部分时间珍妮需要休闲服装。The issue of pay needs to be discussed at our next meeting.工资事宜应该在我们下次的会上来讨论。A touch of the iron is all the care this dress needs.这衣服只须熨斗稍微一熨就行。His understanding needs to be opened.必须开阔他的理解力。My typewriter needs a new ribbon.我的打字机得换色带了。The mission of the IET is to inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community, supporting technology innovation to meet the needs of society.英国工程技术学会的使命是为全球的工程界提供灵感、信息并发挥我们的影响力,从而支持能满足社会发展所需的技术创新。She needs to put up big numbers in today's game.在今天的比赛中,她要多得分才行。A dog needs regular exercise.狗都需要定期遛一遛。




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