例句 |
The bee turns nectar into honey.蜜蜂把花蜜转化为蜂蜜。The adult flies feed on nectar.成蝇以花蜜为食。To TV game producers, humiliation is sweet nectar.对电视游戏制作者来说,越丢脸的事物就越受欢迎。The bees spend the summer collecting nectar and turning it into honey.蜜蜂夏天采集花蜜并将它酿成蜂蜜。Bees fertilize plants as they collect nectar from flowers.蜜蜂采花蜜的时候使植物受粉。The birds live mainly on nectar.这些鸟主要以花蜜为食。The bird uses its long beak to extract nectar from the flowers.鸟用细长的喙汲取花蜜。 |