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词汇 Nature
例句 Nature has invested these animals with a capacity for not showing fear.自然界赋予了这些动物一种不显露恐惧的本领。Nature does not provide everything we want.自然界并不提供我们所需要的一切东西。Genetic engineers should not be allowed to play God, interfering with the basic patterns of Nature.不应该允许遗传工程学家充当上帝,随便去干预自然的基本格局。With thanks to English Nature for their generous contribution of selected images used in this publication.感谢英国自然署为这本出版物慷慨贡献的精美图片。It is better to try to work with, rather than against, Mother Nature.最好是与大自然合作而不是对抗。Nature has dowered him with brains.他生来富有智慧。We hope Mother Nature will save the crops by bringing rain.我们希望大自然能够带来雨水救活这些庄稼。Not a sound obtruded upon great Nature's meditation.万籁俱寂,大地似在沉思。Nature herself brings forth new forms of life.自然本身会创造出新的生命形态。She works for the Nature Conservancy.她在自然资源管理委员会工作。Nature has started to heal the scars left by the mines.大自然开始修复矿山留给大地的伤痕。Nature is only a projection of our own emotions.性格是我们主观感情的外化而已。Nature gave these tiny creatures the ability to reproduce quickly when food is abundant.自然赋予这些微生物在食物充足时快速繁殖的能力。Nature in the raw is seldom mild.未经人类改造的大自然鲜有温顺。Nature has blessed the area with good soil and a sunny climate.大自然赐予了这片土地肥沃的土壤和阳光充足的气候。Nature wakes in spring.春回大地,万物复苏。Nature reserves were set up around new power stations to mollify local conservationists.新的发电站附近建立了自然保护区,以安抚当地的自然环境保护主义者。Nature is a good teacher.大自然是一位好老师。He's just published a paper in the journal Nature.他刚在《自然》杂志上发表了一篇论文。He just published a paper in the journal Nature analyzing the fires.他刚刚在《自然》杂志上发表了一篇分析火灾的论文。Nature had endowed her with exceptional vitality.大自然赋予了她极强的生命力。Nature is the raw material of poetry.大自然给诗歌提供素材。Mother Nature threw us a curve ball last winter with record-breaking amounts of snow.去年冬天的降雪量创下了记录,老天爷真是给我们出了个难题。Nature has dowered her with both beauty and brains.大自然赋予她美貌与智慧。Nature lovers will be on the lookout for eagles, cormorants, and the occasional whale.自然爱好者会留意鹰、鸬鹚和偶尔出现的鲸。Nature is still untamed in this magnificent region.在这片广大的地区,大自然依然未得到开发。




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