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词汇 napkin
例句 She pencilled a diagram on the napkin.她用铅笔在餐巾纸上画图表。Fold the napkin diagonally to make a triangle.将餐巾对角折叠成三角形。He handed her a napkin to wipe a glob of strawberry juice from her hand.他递给她一张餐巾纸让她擦去手上的一滴草莓汁。Mary Ann tore the edge off her napkin.玛丽·安撕掉了餐巾的边儿。Her father cleaned his glasses with a paper napkin.她父亲用纸巾把眼镜擦干净。He put his phone number on a napkin.他把他的电话号码写在了一张餐巾纸上。The bottom of the glass is wet. You'd better put a napkin under it.玻璃杯底是湿的,你最好在下面放一块餐巾。He dabbed at his lips with the napkin.他用餐巾拭了拭嘴唇。She was taking tiny bites of a hot dog and daintily wiping her lips with a napkin.她小口地吃着热狗,用餐巾优雅地擦着嘴。She dabbed her mouth with her table napkin.她用餐巾轻轻擦了擦嘴。Put the napkins in/through the napkin rings.把餐巾系到餐巾环上。He picked the napkin from his lap and put it on the table.他拿起腿上的餐巾,放在餐桌上。I cleaned up the mess with a napkin.我用餐巾把脏东西清理掉了。She scratched a note to herself on a napkin.她在餐巾纸上潦草地记了点东西。He wiped away the blood with a paper napkin.他用纸巾将血迹擦去。He touched the napkin briefly to his chin.他用餐巾匆匆地擦了擦下巴。He picked the napkin from his lap and placed it alongside his plate.他拿起腿上的餐巾,放在盘子旁边。He dabbed his lips with the napkin.他用餐巾轻轻擦了擦嘴唇。She handed him a napkin.她递给他一条餐巾。He tucked his napkin under his chin.他把餐巾掖到下巴底下。He glared at me as he sopped spilled coffee with his napkin.他一边瞪着我,一边用餐巾把溢出的咖啡揩干。He wiped his mouth with a napkin after eating.他吃完后用餐巾纸擦嘴。He took her phone number down on a napkin.他在餐巾纸上写下她的电话号码。Michael mopped up quickly with his napkin.迈克尔迅速用餐巾将其揩干。He politely dabbed at the corners of his mouth with his napkin.他斯文地用餐巾擦了擦嘴角。This was the germ of a book, and he scribbled a few notes on a napkin.这就是一本书的缘起,当时他在一张餐巾纸上潦草地做了一些笔记。




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