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词汇 Naomi
例句 Naomi seemed drawn inextricably into political action.内奥米似乎被扯进了政治行动,无法脱身。Naomi was showing off her engagement ring.娜奥米正在炫耀她的订婚戒指。He's simply got to have a rest from Naomi.他真的需要从娜奥米那里解脱一下。In all that time Naomi never told me where she came from.那个时候,娜奥米一直没有告诉我她是哪里的人。He told Naomi she was becoming just like Maya. Naomi quailed at the thought.他告诉娜奥米,她正变得和马娅一样。一想到这里,娜奥米便不寒而栗。Naomi's mothering experiences are poignantly described in her fiction.娜奥米把她当母亲的经历字字辛酸地写进了小说。I saw Naomi at the gym the other night.我前几天晚上在健身房见到了娜奥米。Elizabeth met other Oxford intellectuals some of whom overlapped Naomi's world.伊丽莎白结识了其他一些牛津大学的学者,其中有几位娜奥米也认识。Naomi used to go to church in Granville every Sunday.娜奥米以前每个星期天都去格兰维尔的教堂做礼拜。Beth was struck by how Naomi took the mistake in her stride.娜奥米在失误面前的处乱不惊给贝丝留下了深刻印象。The agency plucked Naomi from obscurity and turned her into one of the world's top models.这个经纪公司挖掘了默默无闻的娜奥米,并把她打造成了世界顶尖模特。Naomi's experiences are poignantly described in her fiction.娜奥米的经历都字字辛酸地写进了她的小说。Naomi was given a pony and taught to ride side-saddle.别人给娜奥米一匹小型马并教会她如何侧骑马。The leggy beauty was none other than our own Naomi Campbell.这位长腿美女不是别人,正是咱们的娜奥米·坎贝尔。Naomi paid a surprise visit to her old school in London.娜奥米突然拜访了她在伦敦的母校。Naomi's short hair emphasized her cheekbones.内奥米的短发使她的颧骨更为突出。Naomi idolised her father as she was growing up.慢慢长大的娜奥米把父亲视为偶像。He sent a letter inviting Naomi to attend his installation as chief of his tribe.他给娜奥米寄了封信,邀请她来参加他就任部落酋长的仪式。Naomi would waken to the twitter of birds.娜奥米会被鸟儿吱吱喳喳的叫声唤醒。In her memoirs Naomi is quick to acknowledge that her grandmother was centrally important in her venture as a writer.内奥米在回忆录中爽快地承认,她的祖母在她尝试成为作家的经历中起了极为重要的作用。It could have happened during a quarrel between them over Naomi.这件事可能是在他们为娜奥米争吵的过程中发生的。Naomi journeyed to the United States for the first time.内奥米第一次到美国旅行。Naomi is brutally forthright about her views on abortion.娜奥米关于堕胎的看法极其坦率明确。Naomi idolized her father.内奥米崇拜她的父亲。The election defeat was a bitter pill for Naomi.选举失败是内奥米不得不吞下的苦果。




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