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词汇 names
例句 Carve the names and gild them.刻下这些名字,然后镀上金。The two names are confusingly similar.这两个名字很相似,容易混淆。I was given the names of three government officials to contact.我获得了三位可联系的政府官员的名字。Most street names were changed under the new regime.在新政权下多数街名都改了。My boyfriend pushes me around and calls me names at the slightest thing.我的男友对我很不好,为一点儿小事就会骂我。The drug is sold under several brand names.这种药以几种不同的商品名在出售。Some galleries commemorate donors by inscribing their names on the walls.一些美术馆把捐赠者的姓名镌刻在墙上以示纪念。Two names were selected by drawing lots.抽签选出了两个名字。Here's the list of names, for what it's worth.这里有一张名单,不一定能派上用场。The names of the finalists are as follows: Mary, James, and George.决赛选手名单如下:玛丽、詹姆斯和乔治。They confused the teacher by having the same names.他们因同名同姓把老师搞糊涂了。As a reporter he gets to rub shoulders with all the big names in politics.作为记者,他有机会与政界所有的大人物打交道。I got together a list of all their names and phone numbers.我把他们的名字和电话都整理起来列了一个单子。With a stroke of the pen our names were removed from the register.大笔一挥,我们的名字便从登记簿上删掉了。The names and dates on the gravestones were no longer legible.墓碑上的名字和日期都辨认不清了。Shoppers tend to associate certain brand names with high quality.顾客们往往把某些品牌和高质量联系在一起。His memory is preserved in a number of place names.许多地方以他的名字作地名,以永远纪念他。She searched her memory for their names.她努力回想他们的名字。Some of the world's top dancers have lent their names to the project.一些世界顶级舞蹈家都支持这个项目。There were many big names at the party.聚会上有很多名人。Candidates need a proposer and seconder whose names are kept secret.候选人需要一位匿名的提议人和支持者。Only one of these names was on the long-list, let alone the shortlist.这些人名中只有一个上了初赛名单,更别提决赛名单了。We'll take names and phone numbers for a start, then later on we can get more details.我们先记下名字和电话号码,之后可以获取更多的细节。We had to memorize the names of all the countries in Africa.我们必须记住所有非洲国家的名称。Take the trouble to learn all of your students’ names. They will appreciate it.努力记住所有学生的名字,他们会领情的。Their names have been made a hissing.他们的名字已受到人们的耻笑。The teacher struck off the names as he called them out.老师把点过的名字划掉。I watched the faces of the children reading the names of strangers and loved ones lost on that fateful day.孩子们读着在那个重大日子里失去生命的陌生人和亲人的名字,我注视着他们的脸。The President submitted the names to the Senate for confirmation.总统将名单提交参议院批准。Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.没有人愿意冒着被起诉的风险去真正指认别人。I'm delighted to be on top of the leaderboard in a tournament that has so many star names playing.在明星云集的锦标赛上位列积分榜第一,我非常高兴。At my last school they called me names because I was so slow.在之前的学校,他们因为我反应太慢而辱骂我。In this part of the US many of the place names are of French origin.美国这一地区的许多地名都源自法语。How many names are there on your books?你们的登记名册上共有多少人?It is sacrilegious to call your ancestors directly by their names.直接对你的祖先称名道姓是不敬的。The chairman rapped the delegate for naming names.会议主席苛责该代表,批评他指名道姓攻击别人。He wouldn't say whose names were on the list.他不会说出名单上都有谁的名字。Their names have lustred Chinese literature.他们的名字给中国文学增添了光辉。History and tradition have not remembered their names.历史和传统都没有记下他们的名字。The police made the suspect cough up the names of his accomplices.警方迫使嫌疑犯供出了同犯的名字。




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