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Sailors at a naval base had mutinied against their officers.一处海军基地的船员违抗了他们的长官。The soldiers had mutinied over the non-payment of wages.士兵因为拿不到薪饷发动了哗变。At Odessa, the sailors of the Imperial navy mutinied.在敖德萨,帝国海军的水兵们发生哗变。The crew mutinied and murdered the ship's captain.船员们哗变,杀害了船长。Army factions mutinied against orders from Beijing.军队派系反抗政府的命令。Units stationed around the capital mutinied because they had received no pay for nine months.驻扎在首都周边的部队因九个月没领到军饷而哗变。 |