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词汇 music
例句 Her music appeals to popular taste.她的音乐符合大众口味。Many young people find music their best outlet for creative expression.许多年轻人发现音乐是他们表现创造力的渠道。The neighbours got cross every time we put our music on.我们每次放音乐时,邻居们都很生气。The music complements her voice perfectly.音乐完美地衬托出她的嗓音。The music grated upon the nerves.那音乐使人神经受不了。We danced in step with the music.我们跟着音乐的节拍跳舞。I like exercising to music.我喜欢跟着音乐做运动。Great music speaks directly to the emotions.伟大的音乐能直接激发人的情感。You can make a rough division of his music into 'light' and 'serious'.你可以把他的音乐粗略地分为轻音乐和严肃音乐。In sum, soul music is important to the record industry.总之,对唱片业来说灵乐十分重要。I'm especially partial to the Latin American music.我特别偏爱拉丁美洲的音乐。Their music has become very commercial.他们的音乐已变得非常商业化。In his music dramas, love conquers all.在他的音乐剧里,爱情征服一切。A lesser-known penchant of Henry's is his love of country music.更不为人知的是亨利对乡村音乐的喜爱。Some cynics say that popular music is a mere instrument of capitalist domination.有些愤世嫉俗的人说流行音乐只不过是资本主义统治的工具而已。She teaches music.她教授音乐。The passion is there in the music, though it's often submerged.尽管音乐的激情常常没有表露,但它是存在的。The music had an almost spiritual quality.这支乐曲几乎已具有了精神意义。She nestled down into the big sofa and began to enjoy music.他舒服地坐进大沙发,开始欣赏音乐。A benevolent uncle paid for her to have music lessons.一位叔叔慷慨解囊,出钱供她上音乐课。The paper's music critic reviewed the production and was overwhelmed by its beauty.该报纸的音乐评论家撰文评论这部音乐作品,并被它的美妙之处所深深折服。Their music is an odd combination of jazz and opera.他们的音乐是爵士乐与歌剧的奇怪混合体。He likes music but has no heart for grand opera.他喜欢音乐,但并不爱好大型歌剧。The music became monotonous after a while.过了一会儿音乐变得单调起来。I am a great fan of rave music.我是锐舞狂欢乐的狂热乐迷。His avant-garde music, sometime cousin to jazz, had limited appeal.他那种有点接近爵士乐的前卫派音乐,喜欢的人有限。The hardest part was syncing the music to the video.最难的部分就是使音乐和录像同步。If you find a piece of music hard to play, break it down into small sections and practise each one slowly.如果你觉得一个曲子不好弹,就把它分成几个小段,一段段慢慢地练习。I put on some nice soothing music.我放了一些美妙舒缓的音乐。His music has a certain gonzo charm.他的音乐具有某种怪诞的魅力。We're glad if our music makes a strong impression, even if it's a negative one.如果我们的音乐能给人留下深刻的印象,哪怕是负面的印象,我们都会很高兴。Most of their music was spontaneous improvisation.他们的大部分音乐作品都是即兴创作的。He first exhibited an interest in music when he was very young.他很小的时候便开始表现出对音乐的兴趣。They swayed back and forth, more or less in sync with the music.他们来回摇摆,基本上与音乐同步。I relax listening to music.我听音乐来放松一下。She has carved a niche for herself as a consultant on music therapy.她当上了音乐疗法顾问,给自己开创出一片天地。She loves to dance to fast music.她喜欢跟着快节奏的音乐跳舞。Although tobacco ads are prohibited, companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows.虽然严禁为烟草做广告,但一些烟草公司却通过赞助音乐会来打擦边球。We screen the kids' music so that we can approve what they listen to.我们审查儿童音乐,以批准适合他们听的内容。The film is largely a mixture of music, dance, and comedy.这部影片主要是集音乐、舞蹈与喜剧于一身。




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