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词汇 Music
例句 Music filled the air.空气中充满了音乐声。Music is used as a way to spread the gospel.音乐是用来传播耶稣得救福音的一种手段。Music is fashioned to our taste.使音乐适合我们的口味。Music is a means of catharsis for me.音乐对我来说是宣泄情感的一种手段。Jimmy Kimmel emceed the American Music Awards.吉米·坎摩尔主持了全美音乐奖。He entered the Royal College of Music to study singing.他进入皇家音乐学院学习演唱。Music pours out of the dance clubs at night.晚上,音乐从舞蹈俱乐部飘荡出来。Music blares out from every cafe.每一个咖啡屋都传出喧闹的音乐声。Neil teaches at the Guildhall School of Music in London.尼尔在伦敦吉尔德霍尔音乐学校教书。Music is one of the most cosmopolitan of the arts.音乐是最具有世界性的艺术之一。Music was a great solace to me.音乐对我来说是一种很好的慰藉。The Music Hall is going to close down right after Easter.复活节一过音乐厅就要关门了。Music rang out adding to the gaiety and life of the market.音乐响起来了,给市场增添了一份快乐和生机。Music, mime and strong visual imagery play a strong part in the productions.音乐、哑剧动作和强烈的视觉影像在表演中产生了强烈的效果。Music blared out of the loudspeakers.响亮的音乐声从扬声器里传送出来。Music was his greatest love.音乐是他的最爱。Music's one of my great loves.音乐是我的一大喜好。Music has a special system of notation, and so has chemistry.音乐有一套特殊的标志法,化学也如此。Music on the show is performed by singer-songwriter Vonda Shepard.节目中的音乐是由歌手兼歌曲作家冯达·谢泼德演唱的。Music is such a nebulous thing.音乐是如此蒙之物。Music has a special system of notation.音乐有一套专用的标志法。Music is one of her greatest loves.音乐是她最大的爱好之一。Music is an appeasement to shattered nerves.音乐可抚慰受重创的神经。Music holds great appeal for many people. 音乐对许多人都有很大的吸引力。Birmingham, the 'UK City of Music', will be parading its finest artistic goodies.英国的音乐之都伯明翰将展示其精美的艺术珍品。She was a member of the cast of The Sound of Music for years.她在《音乐之声》中担任了几年的演职人员。Music boomed out from loudspeakers.喇叭中传出低沉的音乐声。Music and karate are among her hobbies.音乐和空手道都算是她的业余爱好。Music is quite unlike any other art form.音乐与其他的艺术形式有很大差别。Music provides an immensely satisfying spiritual experience for many people.音乐给很多人提供了极大的精神满足。Music is merely an enhancement to the power of her words.音乐只是增强了她话语的力度。World Music is now well established and popular with mass audiences.世界音乐现在已广为人知,并受到了广大听众的喜爱。She's studying Music at Berkeley College in Boston.她在波士顿的伯克利大学学音乐。Music instruction is slowly being squeezed out of the curriculum.音乐课慢慢地被挤出了课程设置。Music seemed to quiet her anxiety and loneliness.音乐似乎能够减轻她的焦虑和孤独。The conversation turned to music. = Music became the topic of the conversation.话题转到了音乐上。Two years ago he published a collection of short stories called 'Facing The Music'.两年前,他出版了短篇小说集《勇敢面对》。Music from the party wafted out onto the terrace.露台上飘荡着晚会上播放的音乐。Music can induce a meditative state in the listener.音乐能够引导倾听者沉思。Music fans are already calling him another Frank Sinatra.乐迷们已经开始把他叫做另一个弗兰克·西纳特拉。




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