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词汇 muscles
例句 My calf muscles ached from pressure on the pedals.踩踏板时我的小腿肌肉会疼痛。Your muscles coordinate as you walk.走路的时候肌肉的工作是共济的。If your muscles feel sore, step down the number of exercises.如果你感到肌肉酸疼,就逐步减少运动次数。A warm-up is important before a run so you don't strain any muscles.跑步之前做一下准备活动是很重要的,这样可以避免拉伤肌肉。The extrinsic eye muscles are six muscles external to the eye which control the way the eye moves.眼外在肌是眼球外部的六块肌肉,控制眼球的运动。I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles.我在楼道里走来走去,舒展我痉挛的肌肉。She was gently massaging the tense muscles of his neck.她轻轻地按摩着他颈部绷紧的肌肉。He developed the muscles in the legs by running.他藉著跑步使腿部的肌肉发达了。Tightness in one set of muscles will affect your whole balance.一组肌肉紧张会影响整个人的平衡。New research shows that an excess of meat and salt can contract muscles.新的研究发现,过量食用肉类和盐会引起肌肉萎缩。Each position will work the muscles in a different way.每种姿势都会以不同方式活动肌肉。The levator anguli oris muscles raise the corners of the mouth when we smile.人们微笑时提口角肌使嘴角向上提升。These exercises will tone up your muscles.这些运动方式会强健你的肌肉。Leg extensions use the quadriceps muscles to extend the knee.腿部伸展运动利用四头肌伸展膝盖。Europe was flexing its cultural muscles in the name of humanitarianism.欧洲在以人道主义的名义展示自己的文化实力。Exercise conditions your muscles.运动可以使你肌肉变得结实。He flexed the muscles of his right arm.他活动右臂的肌肉。His jaw muscles knotted with anger.他气得连颌肌都暴突出来了。Anaerobic respiration occurs only in particularly active tissues such as muscles during severe exercise.厌氧呼吸只有在处于剧烈运动状态的肌肉等特别活跃的组织中才会发生。Each exercise is designed to build up muscles in a different part of your body.每项运动都是为了锻炼身体不同部位的肌肉而设计的。Her muscles were tight.她的肌肉很僵硬。The technique consists of injecting healthy cells into the weakened muscles.该技术是把健康细胞注射到衰弱的肌肉里面。They massaged his body, kneading the knotted muscles into smoothness.他们给他推拿,把收紧的肌肉按摩得平滑舒松。Massage is used to relax the muscles.按摩被用于放松肌肉。These exercises are designed to strengthen your back muscles.这些运动旨在加强背部肌肉。His muscles are solid as a rock. 他的肌肉非常结实。Bicycle riding exercises the leg muscles.骑车能锻炼腿部肌肉。He slowly flexed his muscles and tried to stand.他缓慢地活动了一下肌肉,想尽量站起来。He'd lost some weight and toned his muscles up.他瘦了些,而肌肉则更强健了。Sitting still for so long had cramped her muscles.坐着不动这么久使她肌肉抽筋了。These muscles work in a steady state for most of the race except at the end when the athlete puts on a spurt.在赛跑过程中这些肌肉多数时间里都匀速地运动着,但在最后运动员冲刺时则是例外。I've got one or two aching muscles after yesterday's run.昨天跑步之后我有一两处肌肉隐隐作痛。You feel nausea and aches in your muscles.症状为恶心和肌肉疼痛。He examines the condition of the soft tissues, muscles, ligaments, fascia, etc.他检查软组织、肌肉、韧带、筋膜等的情况。Her muscles stiffen and then relax again.她的肌肉变得僵硬,然后又放松了下来。The beach is full of studly hunks showing off their muscles.沙滩上满是性感健壮的男人展示着自己的肌肉。The contraction of muscles uses energy and releases heat.肌肉的收缩消耗能量并且释放热量。These are good stretches for your leg muscles.这些动作可以好好地伸展你的腿部肌肉。One group of muscles sets the next group in motion.一组肌肉带动另一组肌肉运动。The gluteal muscles are important for standing up, walking, and running.臀部肌肉对站起、行走和跑步很重要。




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