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词汇 murderer
例句 The convicted murderer and rapist is scheduled to be executed next Friday.那名被判有罪的强奸杀人犯定在下周五处决。The murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment.凶手被判处无期徒刑。The would-be murderer was kept under close watch.那个有行凶企图的人受到于严密的监视。This information led to the capture of the murderer.这个情报使杀人凶手被抓住了。There are several unexpected twists in the plot before the murderer is revealed.杀人凶手身份揭开之前,故事情节出现了几次意想不到的转折。All the evidence pointed towards Blake as the murderer.所有证据都表明布莱克是凶手。The onus is on you to prove that he is the murderer.你有责任证明他是杀人凶手。A police dog picked up the murderer's scent.一只警犬嗅出了凶手的气味。Police are working on the theory that the murderer was known to the family.警方的工作基于一种猜测,即凶手是那家人的熟人。You shouldn't have accepted a ride from him. For all you knew he might have been a mass murderer.你不应该答应坐他的汽车—说不定他是个杀人如麻的凶手。The murderer was sentenced to the gallows.杀人犯被判处绞刑。The murderer must be pretty well within a limited radius.凶手肯定就在附近什么地方。The murderer cut the old man's throat.那凶手割断了老汉的咽喉。Police have called in an expert to construct a psychological profile of the murderer.警方请来一名专家对该杀人犯进行心理特征分析。I wondered vaguely whether Robert could be the murderer.我有点儿纳闷,不知道罗伯特是否是杀人凶手。A simple detail would trip up the murderer.一个简单的细节可以使杀人犯泄漏真情。He looked exactly like a murderer.他看上去完全像个杀人凶手。It's ten to one that the murderer will never be caught.凶手很可能永远都抓不到。All evidence pointed to him as the murderer.所有证据都指证他是凶手。How did the murderer poison the victim?凶手是怎么毒死受害者的?He could be a murderer for all I know.说不定他是个杀人犯。Her desire for vengeance led her to shoot her daughter's murderer.她强烈的复仇愿望导致她枪杀了杀害她女儿的人。The police found the murderer out.警方搜寻到了杀人犯。A bounty of $10,000 has been offered for the capture of his murderer.悬赏一万美元捉拿谋杀他的凶手。We will not rest until the murderer is found.找不到凶手我们决不罢休。The identity of her murderer has not yet been revealed.杀害她的凶手身份还未查明。In the film, the peaceful life of a monk is contrasted with the violent life of a murderer.影片中,修道士的清静生活与凶犯的暴力生活形成对比。As a result of exhaustive inquiries the police are at last able to issue a description of the murderer.经过彻底调查,警方终于能够公布凶手的相貌特征。Police are trying to make sense of a bizarre note left by the murderer.警方正试图弄懂凶手留下的一张奇怪的字条。The murderer has struck again.凶手又一次作案。Hamlet revenged himself on his father's murderer.哈姆雷特向谋杀他父亲的凶手报仇。Now the murderer has two deaths on his conscience.杀人犯现在因杀害两条人命而受到良心的谴责。The realization that the murderer must have been a close friend came as a shock.意识到杀人凶手一定是个密友,大家都很震惊。At the end of the film, the murderer is killed by his victim's avenging girlfriend.影片的最后,受害者的女友终于报仇雪恨,杀死了凶手。Her murderer was a psychopath with a total lack of conscience.杀她的凶手是个毫无良知的精神变态者。The husband says he's the murderer but we think it was his wife - he's just screening her.丈夫说自己是凶手,但我们认为他妻子才是凶手——他只是在替她掩饰。The murderer served 10 years at the penitentiary in Stillwater.杀人犯在位于斯蒂尔沃特的大监狱服刑十年。The police are on the track of the murderer.警察正在追踪凶手。Gareth couldn't possibly be our man. He couldn't possibly be a murderer.加雷斯不可能是我们的目标,他不可能是凶手。The murderer thrust a dagger into her heart.凶手将匕首刺进她的心脏。




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