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词汇 munchies
例句 We need a few munchies - some peanuts and crackers.我们需要些零食——花生和薄脆饼干。I'm a bit hungry. Have you got any munchies?我有点饿了。你有点心吗?In the kitchen, she packed munchies for herself and Ed.她在厨房里给埃德和自己包了些食物。Get me a packet of crisps – I have the munchies.给我一包薯片 — 我馋了。We got the munchies after we started drinking beer.开始喝啤酒后,我们就想吃零嘴。If you get the munchies later on there are some cookies in the kitchen.如果你过会儿想吃点东西,厨房里有些小甜饼。I always get/have the munchies when I'm watching TV. = Watching TV always gives me the munchies.我看电视时总觉得饿。We got the munchies but couldn't be bothered to go down the shop.我们觉得饿了,但却懒得去那家店。




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